Here is your opportunity to see another in my Happy Living Guide, but don’t feel obligated.




Holiday Obligations

Because the holidays are just over, it’s a perfect time to talk about obligations vs opportunities.  We do much in November and December out of obligation.  And for some, obligation is a word empty of any happiness.  We have to clean house, put up decorations, take down decorations, clean house again.  We have to plan trips, plan time off from work, plan our return.  We have to worry about weather, food, clothing. We have to think about presents for everyone, or no one. And then there is family, family we may not want to visit.  But we are obligated so we do it.

Moments of Happy

Remember, I am not talking about ‘a happy life’. I am talking about ‘living happy’. There is a difference.  Living happy means you have happy moments.  That allows you to live in reality and reality includes moments that aren’t happy. But you can find happy moments in any life. Find enough of them and at the end you will likely be able to say ‘I lived a happy life’. But that will be after the fact. While you live your life you have to find happy moments within it.

Holiday Opportunities

In my experience you find happy moments within obligations when you are able to see past your expectations. When you allow the unexpected to come in. You do that by putting judgment on the shelf and forgetting it until later, and finding something to love in the moment.  For example, you go to visit your sister’s family.  You know she is going to be judgmental and controlling and nosey about your life.  That’s a drag. But her daughters or sons on the other hand, they can be an opportunity for you, finding out about who they are now, not lumping them in with your judgment of your sister. Find that happy moment with them.  You may not have a fantastic time at your sister’s house, but you can find happy moments there and you can focus on those when you tell the story of your visit to others.  You don’t have to tell the story of your judgmental sister.  You can tell the story of your amazing nieces and nephews instead.

And then maybe your next visit you will look like this as you arrive.



It isn’t just over the holidays or with family this idea is important. It’s in your health and fitness, in your job, in your home design, your clothing, your hobbies, everything.  

What is an example from your own life?



Love – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #1

Courage – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #2

Home – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #3

Education – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #4

Transformation – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #5

Judging – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #6

Expression – The Napkin’s Guide to Happy Living #7



Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman
