Global Art Agency News

International. Contemporary. Art.

Amsterdam Showcase Preview II

Henk Veen

We are getting excited as it’s only a couple of months away for Amsterdam Showcase, Sat 1st December at de Oude Kerk, international art event with artist and galleries from all over the world will be exhibiting. It’s going to be an amazing one-day show, and so a unique opportunity to buy art from the most talented established and top emerging international artists. Come and meet the artists in person, that flew in specially for the Art loving crowd in The Netherlands to show you their amazing work. Contemporary art, Urban Art, Photography Art, Multimedia Art, Sculpture Art, and more. To each taste and each style, buy art for home or office, come and join us for either the day time 10.00-18.00 (free entrance) or for the private view and champagne reception 18.00 – 21.00 (tickets and invitation only, please email us) Join us 1st December for an amazing art show!

What to expect!
Famous Dutch Artist Henk Veen who will perform a dynamic live painting show, that will engage you into the world of his creativity. Henk, is a real Amsterdammer, and gets his inspiration from the life that he lives in Amsterdam. Through this experience, his paintings are quite recognisable. He tries to set sensitive and often hard, sometimes comical,  reality into colour on canvas. Henk Veen is a recognised name in the Netherlands from numerous galleries and expositions in well known locations. Henk’s paintings have also be seen in programs such as Golden Cage on Talpa TV, Idols, MTV/TMF awards, Big Brother Hotel, Absolutely, Cash & Carlo, 7Tease, Trendies, Wannahaves en Life & Cooking. The artist also appears regularly in the pages of national newspapers and magazines such as Parool, Linda’s Magazine, Lifestyle and other newspapers and national printed media, and is also known from the duo paintings with Leopold and Rob Opentij. A unique chance to see Henk Veen in action at Amsterdam Showcase! Henk will also have some of his great work for sale at the event, again an amazing chance to speak with him in person about his work!

Global Art Awards
At the Private View Champagne Reception from 18.00 – 21.00 (tickets €15 available here) there will also be held the Global Art Awards. Hundreds of artists have entered the competition and need your vote to win ‘Best Global Artist Of The Year Award’ You can vote online at: Also Amsterdam Showcase Artist Award will also be announced during the ceremony. Celebrating the talent at the Showcase, and you can be part of the celebration. Please email us for guest list signups.

Nini Martini

Barcelona Showcase Winner – Feel Good Story
To give you an idea what it can mean to an artist for winning any of the awards, Nini Martini, famous for the bright colours in her work, that also involves skateboard themed sexy pinups! Won Barcelona Showcase Award last July at Casa Batllo, Gaudi’s Architectural masterpiece. And since things have become very busy for Nini, who lives in major German industrial center, Krefeld. Her life changed and she returned to Barcelona for more exhibitions she was asked to do, which have been very successful! Nini is now even moving to Barcelona to pursue her Art career and is over the moon! She says: Barcelona Showcase changed my life in that way, that I am now moving over there, and it motivates me and makes me happy to be an artist. I’m looking forward to exhibit at Amsterdam Showcase because I like Amsterdam a lot and I wanna know how it feels to show my work in this city, at this very special venue.”


The current press have been very good to Amsterdam Showcase and we are featured multiple times by Amsterdam Glossy Magazine “Zie Oud Zuid” And we made it onto their homepage too! Also on international level “Art Price” have featured Amsterdam Showcase to 1.300.000 million art lovers worldwide!

ClubNL After-Party venue

VIP Ticket holders and invited guests can also join us at the After-Party at ClubNL. Welcoming you to a red carpet cosmopolitan classy clubnight, with fantastic DJ’s “Jayhwalk! with Edwin Bazen and Timothy Watt” Relax, dance, celebrate and network with like-minded Art loving audience.

Sponsor an Artist!

Amsterdam Showcase 1st December, 2012 – a great Art experience!

About Global Art Agency

GLOBAL ART AGENCY specialises in Artist Promotions & Contemporary Showcase, representing artists and galleries worldwide. Working together with qualified art partners and sponsors around the globe enables us to make unique connections within the art community on an international level. Organiser of art showcases around the globe; Barcelona, Amsterdam, Berlin, London, New York, Singapore and many more…Our Showcases take place at exclusive & spectacular venues attracting thousands of art collectors, art enthusiasts and media.!/GlobalArtAgency

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