25 Chips to Christmas – 2016….

On the sixteenth day of Chips to Christmas our true love gave to us……


International Popcorn – ‘Jersey Mix’ Taylor Ham & Cheese – and – Jersey Dog Popcorn

International Popcorn - Jersey MixInternational Popcorn - Jersey Dog 2

Original Reviews Here and Here

Sure, many of you may be a bit confused by the juxtaposition of International Popcorn, and the state of New Jersey.  Last we knew, Jersey was not very international – more like inner-national.  But, disregard that little fact (because International Popcorn does offer plenty of “international” flavors), and let’s just focus on two delicious meaty Jersey popcorn flavors!  Sorry Chicago style, we love ya, but in the battle of the popcorn, we’re giving the win to these lip-smacking Jersey styles!

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