REVIEW: 7 Select – Spicy Nacho Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©-3/4 chips  (tolerable)

7 Select - Spicy Nacho Tortilla ChipsWhat do you call cheese that is not yours?  Na. Cho. Cheese! Sorry, but that just does not get old!!  Or does it?  If it does, please let us know.

We have to hand it to 7 Eleven, it seems as though they have been working some major overtime trying to upgrade their 7 Select line-up.  The other day we must have counted at least half a dozen new chip additions to their convenience store collection (which wasn’t too shabby in the first place).  There’s no arguing that their privately labeled salty snack selection is among the best in their industry.

Unfortunately, with their latest Spicy Nacho Tortilla Chips (and the recently reviewed Maple Bacon Potato Chips), we really can’t say that their new selection execution impresses us as of yet.  We can only describe these tortilla chips as completely tolerable and mediocre.  If you are a big fan of Doritos Spicy Nacho, like we are, than you will completely understand our description.  No heat whatsoever, lacking any real cheese flavor, and pretty much devoid of any character really.  The seasoning appears to be there, but just does not deliver much flavor at all.  The chips themselves are on the thicker side, and crunchy, so they serve their purpose if you are simply looking for something to keep your mouth busy.

So, while we really appreciate 7 Eleven’s desire to keep their chip selection fresh and versatile, it’s really looking like they may want to focus more on execution, and a little less on expansion.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at 7-Eleven, Burr Ridge, Illinois

7-Eleven Official Website

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