REVIEW: Deep River Snacks – Peach Habanero Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©©-3/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Deep River Snacks - Peach Habanero Tortilla ChipsDeep River Snacks Peach Habanero Tortilla Chips –

In Your Face Flavor!?  Yep!

In Our Mouth Flavor!!  Triple-double yes!

We must admit, these chips really snuck up on us.  We were simply minding our own business, methodically scanning the snack shelves of our local grocery store and all of a sudden – wham! A sharp, eye catching, rich black and electric green bag with the words Deep River Snacks, and more importantly, Peach Habanero!  Where the heck did these come from?!  Why have we not heard of these before right now?!?  What are we doing asking all of these questions instead of digging into these exciting new chips!?!

Initial reaction: sweet, salty, sour, tangy and very spicy!  Pretty much nailed every single taste bud we’ve got!  These chips have got it all.  A real funky whirlwind of flavors, and yet able to come together very cohesively.  The peach habanero seasoning really, really reminds us of Hawaiian’s Mango Habanero kettle chips; in that at first we thought the chips were on the verge of being too cloyingly sweet, but then our taste buds settled in and accepted the sweet peach flavor.  Some people may be turned off by just how intensely sweet these chips are at first, but if they hang in there for just a couple chips more they should soon experience the harmonious deliciousness that these chips deliver!

Once the sweet peach nectar powder subdues, the tangy vinegar notes, and fruity, floral notes of the habanero appear.  Each complimenting the sweet stone fruit, while also helping to subdue and cut through some of the sweetness.  The seasoning works very well with the corn tortilla chips.  On the tail end is where the heat finally comes in.  And we are talking about some real heat here.  Maybe not quite the heat of some other habanero flavored chips but still anytime you have real habanero powder listed in among your ingredients, you know they are going to be spicy!!  The best part of it was, unlike with most snacks claiming to be habanero flavored, we could actually taste the habanero chile, even through all that heat.

The tortilla chips themselves are pretty good.  Light and crunchy, with a rustic corn flavor.  They sort of remind us of Doritos, except a bit heavier.  Very easy to crunch through a whole bunch of them a short amount of time!

Overall, these are fabulous, fun, unique and tasty! We feel like it is our chip duty to also mention that these chips are much, much better than Lay’s current delve into the fruit flavored chip realm with their Mango Salsa potato chips (much, much better).  It’s funny, many of these unique flavored chips don’t seem like they should work, and many don’t end up working, but some brands seem to have that secret recipe and we are all better for it!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Deep River Snacks for review

Deep River Snacks Official Website

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