Chip Review’s 25 Chips to Christmas…


Tyrrell’s – Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Hand Cooked Potato Crisps

Tyrrell's - Sweet Chili & Red Pepper

Original Review Here

Uniquely complex, and plain old delicious!  And, only after a little bit of yelling and stomping, and even some name calling, the dust settled and we here at Chip Review agreed that the gent on the right must be none other than Sweet Chili himself, and that would make Mr. Red Pepper his sidekick on the left.  Truly a dynamic duo worthy of our Top 25!!

2 thoughts on “Chip Review’s 25 Chips to Christmas…

  1. It’s not about products it’s good its about new packing designe- is fabulous l did start buy this products because of this !!!its fabulous congratulaotion!!!!!

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