Happy Birthday Jemma and Zoe!!!

Jemma Taye (Baby A) 5 pounds 7 ounces and Zoe Mika (Baby B) 5 pounds 5 ounces were born at 5:45 PM on July 14, 2014.

I worked Monday morning and went in for a routine OB exam at 11:30 AM on July 14th (a few days early of my originally scheduled visit), I was hooked up to the NST monitors and babies were looking good. However, my blood pressure was 160/94, so my doctor says “it looks like we are going to have some babies today!”. I knew this was a possibility, but started sweating and feeling anxious that the baby girls were actually going to be born on that day! I quickly called Hubby and told him to leave work, stop and get our hospital bags that were packed by the door at home and come to the hospital. My close friend who has been down almost the same infertility road as me is also a labor and delivery nurse and was luckily working at the hospital, so she was there to meet me at labor triage as soon as I was wheeled from my OB office to the hospital. Since I was not NPO my C-section wasn’t going to be scheduled until later in the afternoon, my doctor was going home to arrange child care for her children and was going to make it back to the hospital to perform the C-section. My delivery was anything but smooth, so I will be posting a completely separate post and not take anything away from announcing the beautiful births of our two precious daughters!

We are still at the hospital, Jemma was taken up to the NICU early on Tuesday morning since she was unable to maintain her glucose levels. She has since come off her glucose IV and although she is maintaining her glucose now, she is having a little trouble with temperature regulation and has had a couple of episodes of bradycardia. We are hoping she will be let out by tomorrow at the latest. I’m still waiting to see if I will be discharged today as well.

The girls are absolutely beautiful! Jemma looks Asian like Mommy and Zoe looks just like her Daddy (not at all Asian!) Unfortunately, I don’t have an updated photo of Jemma but will post one soon. We are so in love and as everyone has said, feel a love for these girls like we have never felt before!!!

Waiting to be prepped for the C-section, already having contractions!


Just after delivery, back in the room with Jemma on left and Zoe on right.


Zoe, 4 days old after feeding, happy!


Happy Friday and more to come on the birth story…..


60 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Jemma and Zoe!!!

  1. Eeeek! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am SO happy for you! They are both BEAUTIFUL and I love their names! Can’t wait to hear more of the story and see more pictures!

  2. Congratulations! It seems like just yesterday that you announced your pregnancy. It has been wonderful to follow you on your journey and I am so happy that you all are doing well. They are beautiful!

  3. Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! I am soooo over the moon happy for you! They are gorgeous and you look beautiful too! I’m so excited for you! Congratulations mama!!!!!!! Can’t wait to hear all your stories and see more photos! XXXXXXX So many hugs to you all!

  4. Omg congratulations!!! They are so beautiful ahhh I have goosebumps! I’m so excited for you! Twin parenting is amazing…it truly is. It is challenging but the rewards make up for every bump along the way…keep us posted and hooray!!!

  5. They are too cute for words!!! So many congrats. I just had my baby girl this week and was so trilled to see you delivered safely too. Love their sweet names!!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so happy for you! Love the names and can’t wait to see more pictures of the girls!

  7. Beautiful, beautiful babies, and a beautiful momma, you look great in these pics so soon after their birth. Congrats, I’m so very excited and happy for you!

  8. Oh my! They’re beautiful! You look so great and so extraordinarily happy. You’ve worked so hard for this, and I hope you relish (if not enjoy) every minute. I’m so, so, so extremely happy for you and your husband, and it’s been an honor to go through this journey three weeks behind you. Hope you can keep us posted, but I know you’ll have your hands full. Congratulations!

    • Thank you so much, I need to get caught up on my blog reading. Wow, only 3 weeks left for you! I hope you have a smooth and uneventful birth. Just know that every minute of what we have gone through is totally worth it!!!

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