Sean Eldridge: Does he even know how to represent the 99%?

05 Oct

No Politician is the Perfect Pick. In fact, every politician is an imperfect pick but some politicians are more imperfect than others. When they forget their imperfection they become incompetent and dangerous.

Sean Eldridge: Can he really represent the 99%?

Is This the Altrnative? Lord Help Us!The 'White Obama" Sean Eldridge with his hubby Chris Hughes and New York state Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk The [Disgusted] Editor,/big>

Is This the Altrnative?
Lord Help Us!

The ‘Pink Obama” Sean Eldridge with his hubby Chris Hughes and New York state Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk

Question is really, can Sean Eldridge even acknowledge we’re here, let alone understand our needs. Are his ears attuned to voices so different from ours that he is deaf to the 99%? In fact, isn’t Sean Eldridge a bit overly arrogant to think that with his disconnection from the rest of us not only in job experience, in life experience, in moral values that he can possibly represent but a small part of this constituency? Do we need another arrogant deaf politician in Washington? Our answer is NO! Sean Eldridge is so vastly different from us that he cannot possible appreciate who we are and what we need.

First of all, he and his “hubby“, Chris Hughes (of FaceBook bucks), are multimillionaires, members of the exclusive 1% club. They live in different worlds than we do. They inhabit planets that revolve around different suns, different centers, than ours does.

In fact, both Eldridge and Hughes should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail for having co-created that monster addiction, FaceBook, that has our dimwit young people and many half-witted adults glued to their electronic devices, oblivious to the world around them, while they squander their lives on ASOCIAL media, pouring out their impoverished emotions and souls into empty cyberspace. You’ll have to agree that Facebook is the farthest thing from “social media” and has created a culture of illiterate zombies. No thanks! Mr Eldridge and Mr Hughes! If that’s your idea of serving America, you might just as well put on an ISIS uniform and just decapitate America!

What is the 1%? Who is the 1%? Read the truth in Forbes Are You Rich Enough? The Terrible Tragedy Of Income Inequality Among The 1%

Secondly, Sean Eldridge and his kind they talk to different people, their own kind, who, like Eldridge and “hubby” Hughes, are members of the same country club, the 1% club, and have different priorities, values, ethics, morals, and very few needs and many greeds.

Is Cecilia Tkaczyk Eldridge's Fag Hag?

Is Cecilia Tkaczyk Eldridge’s
“Fag Hag”*?

* What in hell is a “fag hag“? Read about it here: Fag Hag.

And speaking of “their own kind” Cecilia Tkaczyk is one of Eldridge’s clubmembers. In the picture we selected above, most of Eldridge and Hughes gender-orientation community would call her a “fag hag” in that picture (she’s posing with Eldridge and “hubbyHughes at the Hudson Valley Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender 2014 Gala where Eldridge spoke) ; that is, a woman who hangs out with gay men. She’s OK with that and—believe it or not—, so are we. Here’s why: she saves us the trouble of wasting any more words on her. One picture is worth a thousand words. She’s telling us in unmistakeable terms who she is, what she is, what she supports, and that she doesn’t deserve to be re-elected. Actually, she allegedly wasn’t elected in the first place but we won’t comment further on that scandalous misuse of the democratic process that put her in single-term office.

For an entertaining discussion of fag hags etc. (Warning: this article can get a bit steamy 😉 ), visit Why Do Gay Men Need Fag Hags?

Thirdly, Sean Eldridge’s values, morals and ethics—more accurately we should say his lack of values, morals and ethics—are far different from ours. First of all, how many of this constituency think same-sex marriage is acceptable, even necessary? Isn’t marriage by its very definition a union between a man and a woman, for the purpose of procreation, and then protecting those children and educating them to be good members of the community? But Sean Eldridge believes that marriage as an institution needs to be redefined to fit his chosen lifestyle. How many of us agree with that self-centered point of view? But then, when it’s convenient for him, he uses a loophole in the Defense of Marriage Act, federal legislation he opposes, to avoid full disclosure of his and his “hubby’s” actual financial status, how much they really have! You see, millionaire Eldridge wants to flash that he’s “married” to millionaire Chris Hughes but argues that the Defense of Marriage Act does not recognize same-sex marriages, so in the “eyes” of DOMA, Eldrige and Hughes are not married, not spouses. So Eldridge reasons that he doesn’t have to disclose his and Hughes’ combined income. Sean Eldridge wants his cake and he wants to eat it too. But we’re not invited to the party.

Read more about Eldridge’s hypocricy at DOMA Limits House Candidate Sean Eldridge’s Financial Disclosures

Eldridge and Hughes didn’t get their millions by not supporting corporations and ensuring that their investments pay off. But when corporations “pay off” and their investors become millionaires, somebody else is paying. Guess who that is? Do you think that he’s going to refuse the dividends on his investments because the corporations are screwing the little guy? Do you really believe Eldridge when he says he never took a dime from a corporation? Then where did he and “hubby” Chris Hughes get their millions? From the Easter bunny?

easter bunny money

Sean Eldridge, in his pretty-boy poses with his “hubbyChris Hughes, just oozes phoney! His sugary and equally phoney campaign ads are just as flaky as he is. We don’t need another snowflake in Washington claiming to represent us. We have an Oreo snowflake in the White House now who got there riding the race card and has all but destroyed this country with his lack of experience and total lack of leadership. We don’t need the “Pink Obama“, Sean Eldridge, moving his shaved butt to Washington only to promote his club’s agendas, and making his offensive contribution to plunging this country into deeper distress, anxiety, and moral decline.


Sean Eldridge is not the Easter Bunny!
Sean Eldridge is a much bigger fake!

Sean Eldridge’s hypocrisy shows through his facials and manicures. He’s as phoney as his cosmetic smile. Voters need to get the failure Barack Hussein “Oreo” Obama out of Washington, and keep the “Pink Obama” from setting up shop in Washington.

The “Pink Obama”, Sean Eldridge, wants us to give his ego a free ride to Washington on our backs and at our expense.

Sean Eldridge is not the Easter Bunny!He's a much bigger fake!

Don’t become a bunch of hopping eggs in Sean Eldridge’s bunny basket!

We’re not saying that any politician is or can be perfect; most politicians are human (at least on one side of the family tree) and thus by their very nature are imperfect. The problem arises when they start to think that they are not imperfect, and forget that some are more imperfect than others. Sean Eldridge is one of those wannabe politicians who forgets his imperfection, who has lost the connection with who he really is, and by doing so is starting to believe his own lies; Sean Eldridge is more imperfect than his opponents.

Don’t Vote for Sean Eldridge or Cecilia Tkaczyk—the Antichrist Duo!

There are better alternatives.

Support Strong, Natural Family Values The Editor

Support Strong, Natural Family Values
The Editor


Posted by on October 5, 2014 in 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, Abuse of Public Office, Accountability, ACLU, Albany, Albany County District Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union, Andrew Cuomo, Arlene McKeon, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Barbara Cumm, Barbara Finke, Capital District, Carver Construction, Cecilia Tkaczyk, Chris Gibson, Chris Gibson, Chris Norris, Christopher Norris, Coeymans, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Budget, Conspiracy, D. M. Crosier, Daniel Contento, David Lewis, David Soares, Democrat in Name Only, Dignity Act, DINO, Dr Alan R. McCartney, Edward B. Scharfenberger, Elected Official, Elections and Voting, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, Fag Hag, Gay Men, George Amedore, Government, Governor Mario Cuomo, Greed, Greene County, Greene County Board of Elections, Greene County District Attorney, Greene County Elections, Greene County Sheriff, Gregory Darlington, Howard J. Hubbard, Hudson Valley, Hypocrisy, Jeff Ruso, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Joseph C. Teresi, Joseph Teresi, Keith Mahler, Ken Burns, Kenneth Burns, Larry Conrad, Latter-Hyslop-Brown, Laverne Conrad, LGBT, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misinformation, Moose Misuraca, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New Baltimore Conservancy, New Baltimore Democrats, New Baltimore Elections, New Baltimore Republican Club, New York State United Teachers, Nick Dellisanti, NYS Assembly, NYS Senate, NYSUT, Official Misconduct, Patrick E. Brown, Paul Tonko, Pete Lopez, Peter Masti, Phillip Crandall, Pink Obama, Port of Coeymans, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District, Ravena Health and Fitness Center, Republican in Name Only, RINO, Robert J. Freeman, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, Scary Clowns, Sean Eldridge, Selkirk, Stephen Flach, Thomas E. Dolan, Tits on a Bull, Tkaczyk, Tom Dolan, Transparency, Unamerican Activity, Vote NO!, William Bailey, William Misuraca


2 responses to “Sean Eldridge: Does he even know how to represent the 99%?

  1. confused (but not on this)

    October 5, 2014 at 8:02 pm

    But we do know that a Republican will never ever help the 99 percent but they are really good at the 1 percent and big Business……


    • RCS Confidential

      October 5, 2014 at 10:08 pm

      That’s a question we are all asking ourselves. It’s a question that lies at the very base of our American way of life. And it’s a question that still needs to be defined. Who are we? What is Democrat and what is Republican? Aren’t, shouldn’t they be the same when it comes to the basic good? The fundamental realization is, however, that neither have any relation to what is fundamentally good and both have detoured in the direction of what is in the interest of the special interests, whether they be labeled as black, white, feminist, gay, corporation, etc. It’s a mess! And it seems to be spiralling into a dark abyss of finger-pointing and labeling. We have to stop, think, re-organize our way of thinking and build! What you you think?

      In the anxiety and fear culture created by our government and the unbridled, out-of-control media we are tearing ourselves apart as a civilization, as a culture, as community, even as families! Yes! Even as families! These anxieties and fears are tearing away at the very substance of our concept of family! How can we allow this to continue? By saying Yes! to the liberalism of the the Eldridges and Tlkaczyks of our world?

      We say NO! We have to step up and represent what is right. Not what is popular or what is the most comfortable or acceptable. If, or example, you have an incurable disease, do you want your physician and family to keep painting a rosy picture of what you’ll be doing next summer? Next summer, when you’ll be dead, a mess of moldering decay? No! Some of us would like to live in the secure landscape of reality, not the quicksand of la-dee-da!

      The Editor



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