Stupidity or Entrapment?

25 Apr

As Often as We Try to Give the Coeymans Cuckoos the Benefit of Doubt; As Often as We Try to Think of Them as Competent, They Manage to Pull the Rug from Under Us!

Is this Stupidity or Entrapment?

Is this Stupidity or Entrapment?

For several weeks now I’ve been driving down Rt 144 entering the Hamlet of Coeymans and I’ve been seeing this sign while driving in the southbound lane. The sign reads “Trucks Entering” and, as you can see, is equipped with red flags, so you are on the alert for trucks. So while you’re looking for the trucks, you may miss the 30 mph sign that is completely hidden by the warning sign.

Is this Just Stupidity or Is It Entrapment?

But if you leave your car, walk to the other side of the road, this is what it looks like.

It's Stupidity!

It’s Stupidity!

How many times do you think the Coeymans Police cruise past this sign and can’t help but notice that  it’s completely blocking a 30 mph speed limit sign? The speed limit before the sign is 55 mph so if you don’t know the sign is there, you’re doing 55 mph in a 30 mph zone—25 miles over the “posted” speed limit. What do you think that will cost you? But the warning sign blocks the “posted” speed limit from view!

Now, I’ll ask again: In the several weeks that I’ve been noting the blocked speed limit sign, how many times do you think a Coeymans patrol car drives past it? At least once a shift? More? It would take only once for a cop with a pair of eyes and half a brain to notice the problem. But that’s giving the Coeymans police too much credit.

So, your coming down 144, see the “trucks entering” warning and you’re looking for trucks. Right? Then you see the second 30 mph speed limit sign farther down the road BUT TOO LATE!

Too Late! DoDo Cop is Hiding and Has Already Clocked You! You're Cooked!

Too Late! DoDo Cop is Hiding and Has Already Clocked You! You’re Cooked!

So, I have to ask you readers, residents, visitors, victims: Is this simple stupidity or is it calculated entrapment?

Any reasonably thinking person would expect law enforcement to ensure that posted permanent speed limit signs are not obscured by temporary warning signs. In fact, if the “trucks entering” signs belong to a private company, the fact that they are so placed that they obscure a lawfully posted speed limit would subject the owner of the sign to a violation citation, you’d think. But maybe Coeymans just doesn’t care!

The sign is there, you should have seen it. It doesn’t matter if there’s another sign blocking it and you’re looking for the killer trucks that are entering. But too late, you’re cooked.

Yeah, Sucka! You Been Had!

Yeah, Sucka! You Been Had!

The Coeymans Police have again disappointed us with their conspicuous stupidity and their indifference to the safety of residents, citizens and visitors. Common sense would demand that if a Coeymans cop sees that the speed limit sign is blocked that he take steps to correct the situation for everyone’s safety. The “trucks entering” sign would be just as effective behind the speed limit sign. But that would require a brain, wouldn’t it?

We think that this might be an instance of entrapment. They don’t expose the speed limit, you’re supposed to have x-ray vision, you’re doing 25 mph over the speed limit, DoDo cop’s hiding just beyond the second 30 mph speed limit sign, zapps you and you get to plead sucker before jingle-judge George Dardiani or Phil Crandall. They downgrade the offense, you pay a steep fine but count yourself lucky, and everybody’s happy! NOT!

We’d like to ask someone to FOIL the speeding tickets issued by the Coeymans Police Department over the past month, but if you do, make certain you specify that you want the location where the ticket was issued and the speed. You don’t need names or personal details, just the location and the speed. We’ll do the rest.

And the American Idiot Award Goes to The Coeymans Police Department The Editor

And the American Idiot Award Goes

The Coeymans Police Department
The Editor


3 responses to “Stupidity or Entrapment?

  1. Talkn Stang

    November 1, 2013 at 12:40 am

    How about this one, are there actually any trucks entering the road that would justify such a sign being there in the first place? if not, it’s deliberate. Crooked ass cops


  2. cookie

    May 1, 2013 at 10:43 am

    You put that out 7 days ago, the sign was there this morning. It would seem that they don’t care. Anybody that gets a ticket there would be able to dispute the ticket, not that you would find a judge to listen.


    • RCS Confidential

      May 1, 2013 at 1:37 pm

      Hi, Cookie, and thanks for the advisory. I think it’s a no-brainer (so supervisor Flach and the Coeymans DoDo and BoBo cops qualify): The don’t give a damn. Supervisor S. Flach was notified by e-mail to his personal e-mail and asked to forward the notice to chief DoDo Darlington. That was about a week ago. The signs are positioned illegally and are exposing people to risk. So do you think they care?

      Eliminate the Coeymans Police Department and get a Supervisor with a pair.

      The Editor



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