How to Handle a Bad Attitude

A shirt I should have in my closet.

One day this past week I had to deal with someone who had a bad attitude.  He just would not listen to reason.  He couldn’t change the situation.  The only thing he could alter was his attitude, and that he refused to vary.  I must confess…I cannot tell a lie.  The stubborn fellow was I.

I realized my guilt and admitted my sin.  Praise God, the cleansing blood of Jesus never loses its power  to bring forgiveness.  I certainly had failed to allow the Holy Spirit to control me.   I longed for His fullness again.  One thing I should have done in my difficult circumstances was to rejoice.   Believers are actually commanded to “rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.”

How can we rejoice in the pressure cooker?  First, realize that God is sovereign over any problem in life.  Then, thank God that He never changes or has a bad attitude.  Thirdly, remember that all things eventually pass with time.   Fourthly, consider that what you got upset over was really not all that important.  Next, ask for divine wisdom to correct the situation if you can.  Finally, keep in mind that peaceful personal relationships with God and your fellow-man should always be given the highest priority.

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