City in a Garden

It just takes an hour or two to realize when you are driving around Singapore, why it is called as “City in a Garden”.  I was here with my colleague Chandra Kant “CK” (or desi Calvin Kline of Cigniti) for a business meeting.  We were here just for about 36 hours with fully packed schedule. Since Singapore is such a small city, it’s easy to bump into an attraction or two, within few 10 minutes of drive or sometimes as you are walking around the town.

On the first day evening, ahead of our dinner plans, we stopped at Marina Bay Sands, took an elevator to reach the rooftop around 6PM.   We spent an hour to see the skyline during the twilight period, and saw beautiful skyline lit around 7:15PM. I just clicked few pics in the “auto”mode, and few pics in the HDR mode, and effortlessly captured awesome pics on my Canon 6D.

Next morning after our business meet, we stopped at Cloud Forest and spent an hour walking around forest set up within in the dome, amidst pleasant mist caused by 35 meter rainfall .  Later we walked to Flower Dome which was next door, to capture pics of tulip mania, and more

Here is the video collage compiled, on my flight to Hyderabad, and cool visuals shot as we walked around Singapore.

Update from trip on Sep 14th, 2015:

Yesterday, I finished dinner at 8PM and started to HYD. Took Silk Air to SIN (Singapore) around 11PM and slept through it, landed at 6:30AM. Had breakfast in Singapore at 8AM. Met with a local partner for Lunch @ RAS in Changi Center. Concluded a strategic meeting with large financial Enterprise 4PM. I was back at the SIN airport by 6PM, and expecting to land in HYD at 10PM, and concluded my night on my bed, to start a new day in HYD tomorrow with business usual. Yes, with a hope to stay on the ground for some time.

Entire Singapore sky this week was covered by haze thanks to fires in Indonesia. You could hardly see the sky forget about the skyline. I felt like spraying water with giant water spray, to see clear sky or clear skyline. Cabbie in Singapore was ranting on reckless and intentional forest fires caused by Farmers in Sumatra, Indonesia. Apparently many farmers out there practice shifting agriculture, which is a traditional farming method that involves clearing tracts of forested land for cultivation using the slash-and burn method, instead of using industrial equipment (which is expensive) to clear the land. Here is what I saw from the cab

On the top of Marina Bay Sands
View from Marina Bay Sands – Cloud Forest & Flower Dome
View from Marina Bay Sands – Singapore Skyline
View from Marina Bay Sands – Singapore Flyer
Driving to Marina Bay Sands
Driving to Marina Bay Sands

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Pictures from Cloud Forest

Made up of lego blocks

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Pictures from Flower Dome

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Food around Singapore.

We had lunch at Thai Express in a mall next door to our hotel on our day 1.  We had Tau Hoo Phat Krapow (Rice with Thai basil tofu).  Food was awesome and place is definitely worth a repeat visit.  It was the only restaurant in the block where they had exclusive veggie menu.

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On the day 2, we had our lunch at Saravana Bhavan in SunTec complex.  Food was just about OK, and the food quantity was more than enough

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One thought on “City in a Garden

  1. Fantastic pictures Sai. Thanks for sharing. Brings memories from my 1997/98 singapore days. Really miss that place.. Wish I never relocated to USA,


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