Clothworks Organic Solids Modern Block Challenge

Cutting, folding, and bundling 32 stacks of fabric for the #seattlemqg #clothworks challenge was more work than I thought. It sure is pretty, though.

For our newest challenge, announced at our April general meeting, we are partnering with Clothworks, who generously donated fabric from their new line of organic solids. The blocks will be used to make one or two charity quilts, depending on how many finished blocks we receive, for the Genesis Project, a Seattle-based organization that provides outreach to victims of sex trafficking.

Each member is challenged to create one block (or more, if materials allow) using only the fabrics in the bundle. You can as few or as many of the colors in any combination you choose. Block size can be a square or rectangle, anywhere between 6.5″ square to 12.5″ square. The only other parameter is that the block be modern in design, based on your interpretation of the MQG’s definition of modern quilting:

“Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. ‘Modern traditionalism’ or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.”

I started this with zero inspiration (and, in fact, a bit begrudgingly) but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Ara Jane’s (amazing) example

Blocks are due at the July general meeting. Please be sure that if you take a bundle that you are able to return a finished block. And if there are any large pieces of unused fabric, please return them with your finished block as we may be able to use these in constructing the quilt top. Most of the 32 blocks were distributed at the last meeting, but there are still several bundles left and will be available at the next few sew-ins and the May general meeting (as long as supplies last).

Thank you to Clothworks for the generous donation and to those who are participating. We can’t wait to see what you will do with these beautiful fabrics!

9 responses to “Clothworks Organic Solids Modern Block Challenge

  1. Hi There

    My name is Kelly Randall I visited your meeting on Monday with Kristen Ballou,

    and I joined the Guild on Monday night, paid Sandy, and got my little name tag logo. I got the request from Big Tent to join, and Im confused, Its asking me to pay and I cant get it to stop asking. Is there a code to give the big tent site to prove I paid for my membership.

    thanks for taking time to help me figure this out.

    Kelly Randall 206.355.0445

  2. I’d love to do a block, but I missed the meeting and now have to miss tomorrow’s sew-in because the hubby is leaving town for work. If there are any bundles left, can I pick one up? These are some great challenges- thanks for arranging them!

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