Mission Impossible… Maybe, Maybe Not!*

You will be pleased to know that this blog post will not self destruct once read!

My story starts back in May…. Yeah, this could be a long one, I will try and make it as painless as possible!

I went to Curvy Con (that blog post is here), I met up with a bunch of fat babes, the subject always ends up about boobs at some point, and this time we were lucky enough to be in the company of the Bra Guru herself, the beauty that is Caroline ~ Curvy Wordy!  Caroline doesn’t travel anywhere without her trusty tape measure, and as so many of us were grumbling and mumbling about the struggle that is so real in the way of boobs and ill fitting bras, whilst taking over the changing rooms at Simply Be Oxford Street, it all turned into a bit of a boob measuring fest!

Caroline then advised us all to definitely look at Ewa Michalak bras.  This is a company based in Poland, but who cater for a wide range of bust sizes, including the larger bust, both in the cup and the back sizes.  With my trusty new measurements saved into my phone, I took myself over to the website and promptly sent the lovely sales team an email aptly entitled “Help!” And this is most definitely what I got.  I could not ask for better customer service.  With the measurements supplied they kindly sent me three bras to try for size, these were a 105HH, 105J and a 105JJ.  Please remember that bra sizing is different in Poland than the UK, so do check this out when you are looking for yourself.

I started with the 105HH, which was in my mind already a little big in the cup, albeit not masses, so the J & JJ cups were promptly discarded.


Having taken photos and sent to EM to look over, explaining that the cup was a bit on the large side, and how the back was also big as I could get it on the last hook, I was then sent a HH again but in an 100 back.  Much, much better in the back, but cup still seemed big, with excess material/space at the bottom of each cup.


At this point I returned both the 105HH and the 105H and was then sent a 100H, and there we have it, a miracle (maybe)!  Fit appears to be spot on giving me a much improved shape!  I say maybe a miracle as now the real test is to put this beauty to work, and it will have to work hard…. Lol!  So keep posted to see how she holds up to the task of keeping the girls in check.

For info, all these bras are the FB style, which is designed with the larger bust in mind.


The quality of these bras are like nothing I have seen before, and with the exception of having to pay a little more for postage as they are coming from Poland, you don’t pay anymore than you would in the UK for the product, in fact I think they may even work out slightly cheaper than some brands here which will make up for any extra in carriage, and the quality in my opinion is far superior!

Again, I cannot praise the customer service enough…. the lovely Kaśka, who responded to each and every one of my emails, was amazing…. going backwards and forwards to Ewa with my questions, photos etc. and coming back with responses and solutions.  I am surely not the only one bombarding her with emails, so a big high five to that lady!

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BIG Love

S x


*Item gifted for review, but all opinions are my own.

4 thoughts on “Mission Impossible… Maybe, Maybe Not!*

  1. Did you properly swoop and scoop my dear? It looks as though you may have some run away breast tissue under your arms. If you did, then ignore me! The bra is gorgeous and I considered trying it because I am pregnant and my boobs have become so much larger but I could stomach the $110 price tag!

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