Russian-American History Month

in New York State (April 2021)


Online Magazine Elegant New York 

Tatyana Borodina is the founder of Elegant New York.
She is an accomplished photographer, journalist, and creative professional.


Why Elegant New York?

Trying to keep abreast of most interesting events taking place in New York, and sometimes beyond its borders, attending the opening of exhibitions, fashion shows, charity balls, receptions, concerts and premieres of performances, we’ll talk about them quickly and objectively, obtaining information, as they say, “first-hand.”

We will not restrict our attention only to events of cultural life of New York, the scope of our interests is international and multi-faceted: issues of fashion, art, music, design, architecture, and they much more concern us on a global rather than local urban scale. The site Elegant New York publishes interviews with interesting and outstanding people, reports on the curious tourist routes and sports, current fashion trends, photo collections, analytycal materials, as well as serious and funny stories.

Some of the published material was printed in a number of periodicals of America, Ukraine, Russia, about which, as a rule, there is a notification at the end of the post. Others are exclusive and are only published on the website Elegant New York.

We are open for cooperation with creative people sharing our vision, and taking into consideration materials for publication. On our site you can post material about yourself, your business, work or hobby, as well as tell us about what you think is interesting and fascinating. You can also put photos of collections that you have created: whether it is painting or fancy hats.

We are open for collaboration with magazines, newspapers and internet resources.

Tatyana Borodina is an author of the portal Elegant New York, a professional photographer and journalist working in the field of fashion, culture, travel and social life.

Contact us:

Read our issues: 

Walking around New York :  and more. 
Fashion News   (reports from New York Fashion Week):
Mikhail Baryshnikov –;
Conversations with the Countess Bobrinsk :
Elena Mayakovsky, meeting in New York –
Kisses keys charming hand – an interview with Olga Kern : P
remery in MET- Igor /; 
Tselkov, the last exhibition in New York :
New sensation at auction in New York :  http://elegantnewyork .com / christies-and-sothebys /
Diane von Furstenberg – liberation from the shackles of sartorial :
Interview with Kira Plastinina :
Topic Poetics of New York: 
and more.

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This entry was posted on March 17, 2014 by in 2014.

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