Project Life 2014- Week 14

2014PLWeek14a web 2014PLWeek14b web 2014PLWeek14c web 2014PLWeek14d web

Welcome to Week Fourteen! I’m working through catching up. I’ve discovered an interesting thing about myself this week. When I’m “behind” on this project, as inevitably happens a couple times a year, that’s when I start wanting to try something different. Instead of just diving in and getting caught up, I putz around and look for more ways to make it more “interesting” for myself. Which ends up making me fall more behind.

I toyed around this weekend with changing things up with Project Life. I get that itch every few months. It’s part of the process for me, which is why I did PL three different ways last year. But after playing around with a different idea for an hour or so, I started missing the simplicity of my photos + words only approach. So for now I’m keeping it as-is.

I’ve also added a new page to my blog with all of my 2014 Project Life pages in one place. I think they look pretty cool! And it keeps me motivated to keep going when I see them all together like that.

Journaling reads- This was our first week in our new aartment! Jamie was with us Monday and Tuesday so we had doughnuts, went to IKEA, and the beach, twice. She went home on Tuesday evening. Jason went back to work on Wednesday and I started unpacking. We did some exploring during the weekemd, checking out the library and a couple of grocery stores.

*Project Life was invented by Becky Higgins. You can learn more about it here. My Project Life pages can be found here.

5 thoughts on “Project Life 2014- Week 14

  1. I’m playing catch-up as well. I’ve got Weeks 14-17 done. I know what you mean about making it more complicated when you’re behind. I think its because when we try to do so many weeks at once, it becomes repetitive & so we look for ways to change things up. Not what you want to do when mass-producing spreads!

    I love the cleanness & simplicity of your designs!

    • You know, I’ve been trying and trying to figure out why I do that, and I think you’ve got it! It is so repetitive and I’m looking for something to spice it up, so to speak. Light bulb moment.

  2. Pingback: Project Life 2014- Week 15 and 16 | hclappy scraps

  3. Pingback: Project Life 2014- Week 17 | hclappy scraps

  4. Pingback: In leu of Project Life this week… | hclappy scraps

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