Virtual reality.

How comfortable would you be telling your friends and family that you met your partner online?

Well personally I don’t see anything wrong with meeting people you stumbled upon online (Facebook and Twitter are the only sites I deem acceptable though, Tagged etc are full of creeps who probably want to slash you into a steak pie and make love to your corpse). Through social media you can fall in love with peoples personality, you get to read their thoughts on a daily basis. If you meet somebody out there’s all that ice-breaking which needs to take place first which is daunting in itself, once you’ve done that you need to attempt to exchange numbers and if you’re successful there’s all those exchanges in slightly awkward conversation which need to take place. Online you can simply break the ice by hitting the follow button or LOLing at a tweet. Also, if the person who approached you did succeed in getting your number then anything they say to you from there on out is purely just to impress you, online that doesn’t happen because anything they post is general and not just for your benefit. You can learn a lot about somebody through their posts; you find out their likes, dislikes, the topics which make them tick and you get an insight into how they spend their free time. Brilliant. I mean social networking sites allow you to gather information about someone in a matter of days all while you carry about your day-to-day business so why wouldn’t you be comfortable enough to say you met your partner online? This is the 21st century after all I mean it’d be more embarrassing telling them you’re #TeamFollowBack.

It’s not everyday you come across people who are so similar to yourself, people who share your humour/interests/tastes etc especially not in person (mainly because deep down we’re all kind of weird in our own way and that isn’t publicly acceptable yet) so when you come across that person online who just gets you it’s kind of refreshing and naturally you want to get to know them, inside and out which is taken literally for some.

Now I’m not saying you should go and meet every Tom, Dick and Cedric you come across on the internet because we all read the news (well not all of us some unfortunately care more about what’s going on in Joey Essex’s life than current affairs but they’re a lost cause so I’ll continue) so we know what kind of psychos are out there so if you are going to meet somebody, be careful. Make sure the person you’re meeting is who they say they are and the best way to check that is a simple video call. My man wants to pretend he doesn’t have a camera? *smells a catfish* it’s 2013 there’s five year olds with iPhones out there, COME ONNNNN!! Once you’ve crossed that hurdle it’s pretty much alright, obviously take all the normal precautions I mean I’m trusting your judgment here guys, please keep your wits about you and don’t let me see your names in a headline.

Anyway… I like the idea of getting to know someone 140 characters at a time and it’s almost ideal for those who are too busy to socialise with their daily grind so all in all, I think this meeting people you ‘met’ online business is pretty cool 🙂

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