Letter to my Son – July 2013

Dear Son,

You loved your first camping trip this year.  In true ‘boy’ spirit,  you enjoyed picking up sticks and poking around with them.  Collecting rocks and throwing them into the trees.  And chasing bugs all around the campsite.

You went on lots of bike rides in our pull behind trailer, we went on hikes, and even saw our first bear!  We were headed out of a trail and there she was, with her baby cub –  eeek!  She was across the road – and as soon as she saw our dog, she turned around and they both headed back into the trees.  The Rangers told us it was an active bear season this year.

We went into town for ice cream every day 🙂  Played in the park and by the beach.  You seem to be compelled to jump in every puddle you find.  Many times after a quick rain or a walk on the marsh trail, you would be the only soaking wet one.  Especially after you tripped and fell in a huge puddle on one of our hikes!  I love watching you discover new things and it’s ok to stumble a little along the way.  🙂

Fall seven times, stand up eight.”
— Japanese Saying




I am excited to be a part of “letters to our children” blog circle with other photographers and moms. We write monthly letters in honor of our children and hope you enjoy reading them with us. Please head over to my friend,  Joanne’s blog for her monthly letter to her daughter.

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