Creator's Corner

Coaching, Creativity, and Community

Art Journaling – Week 34

Trees of the mind

In the above pic, I was focusing on creating an image to display the effects of negative and positive thinking.  Learning how our brain can be changed and rewired simply by taking our thought life serious.  Truly, what a man thinks upon, is what a man becomes.  If your thoughts are negative, based on fear, hurts, anxiety, worry, anger, envy, strife, etc…. that is what you will experience and get more of.  The good news is that those negative neural pathways, we have built with our thinking, can be torn down and destroyed, also with our thinking.  Taking each thought captive and replacing the negative with a positive, love based thought, will, over time, break down that negative pathway.

Done in watercolour and Coptic markers.


“Never stop unlearning,” what a statement.  This popped out at me when I was browsing through a magazine.  The fears and lies that we take on and believe in our lives, needs to be exposed and unlearned.

This pic I glued the images from magazines down and used fiber paste mixed with acrylic paint to create the texture and colour all around.


Painting Marathon, mile 11, whoohoo!!!!  You can join in anytime:

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