Home » Fiction » A prompt response for INSPIRATION MONDAY ~ “FELT CASTLES”



Image  Copyright ©  John and Margaret ~ All rights reserved



by John Yeo

   Rampaging across the continent the raiders laid waste to everything they came across, in their greedy lust for riches and power. The fearsome young leader was afraid of nothing and rose to every challenge that came his way. Tyrion had recently become the supreme leader after challenging, defeating, and dethroning the previous leader. Tyrion was fearless, Lord of all the valleys and sub-kingdoms that made up the Southern half of the continent of Grevillea. Tyrion’s relentless atrocities continued Northwards ruthlessly conquering and ransacking everything in his path.

    The powerful army of raiders had taken up residence in a valley that contained an impregnable castle. Tyrion felt secure and rested for a while to take stock of his kingdom. He sent out emissaries to contact his lords in residence in the conquered lands he ruled over, to demand funds by way of heavy taxes on the populations. One by one, these powerful lords arrived with gifts of much gold, silver and precious jewels.

     A stranger from the north rode into the castle that day, amidst these lords, on a pure white stallion, leading a mule train loaded with many bales of a soft material. A gentle unarmed man approached the guards and requested an audience with Tyrion.

   The aggressive captain of the guard immediately arrested him and he was dragged before the leader.

       “Who are you and where do you hail from?” Tyrion immediately asked the man, now in chains to prevent his escape.

       “Sir! My name is Santana, I come from Pacifica, a peaceful valley in the North. We have heard much about you and we would like to trade peacefully with you. We have much to offer and I am sure we could learn much from each other. We are a very peaceful people.”

      Tyrion smiled benevolently and thought long and hard before replying. “What is to stop us from overrunning your peaceful community taking whatever we want?”

       Santana said few words in reply, “Why? Everything we have is yours for the taking without bloodshed.”

      Tyrion said.  “What have you brought on your mule train?”

     “A luxurious new mysterious material that we use to construct our dwellings, very lightweight and very strong and waterproof. I would like to show your men how to construct portable castles to keep you safe wherever you go.” Replied Santana.

  Tyrion ordered his release at once and before long many portable castles covered the plains surrounding the castle.

   More mule trains had continually arrived, bearing the wondrous new material, and several days later most of Tyrion’s army were housed in comfort.

   Tyrion then ordered his army to prepare to march on Pacifica the next day, laughingly he prepared for an easy conquest.

      Santana was shocked, “Why?”  he asked, “We are your friends a very gentle peaceful people!”

       Tyrion laughed and relied, “I need the money to continue to fight and conquer.”

     That night all was prepared and the army slept comfortably and peacefully before the morning’s march on Pacifica.

    Then fire broke out around the castle a raging inferno spread widely and raged out of control from castle to castle. There was no escape from the flames. Thousands died, the only survivors were inside the impregnable castle. Then an iron clad army surrounded the valley and wiped out the few survivors, before they marched through the gates that were opened from within.

      Tyrion’s guards were killed and he was dragged before Santana.

          “How?” He begged as he was forced on his knees

       Taking a double edged sword Santana smiled and said. “This is the iron fist inside a velvet glove! Exacting justice for your ruthless killing.”

    Then with one blow Santana cut off the tyrant’s head.

Copyright  © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.




2 thoughts on “A prompt response for INSPIRATION MONDAY ~ “FELT CASTLES”

  1. How quickly the tyrants are dethroned! Live by the sword, die by it. Santana’s a fun character – first meek, then powerful. I hope (and bet) he’ll be a better ruler than Tyrion.

  2. Pingback: bekindrewrite

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