Review of Though My Heart is Torn by Joanne Bischof

Clouds breaking up after a rainy morning in th...

Clouds breaking up after a rainy morning in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Photo taken from the Deep Gap overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in western North Carolina, with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Though_My_Heart_is_Torn_img_lgThough My Heart is Torn by Joanne Bischof

Though My Heart is Torn is the second book in a historical trilogy set in the Blue Ridge Mountains by Joanne Bischof. The first book, Be Still My Soul, is the story of Gideon O’Riley, a bluegrass musician and rogue. This book continues the story of Gideon after he marries Lonnie Sawyer. The third book, My Hope is Found continues Gideon’s and Lonnie’s story.

I have only read this second book in the trilogy, but based on the superb writing, I will definitely be looking for the other books to read the entire story straight through. In spite of being the second book, however, the story stands alone very well on its own. The reader knows that Lonnie and Gideon have an unusual history together, since they make reference to it a couple of times, but I didn’t find it detracted from the momentum of the story line.

Very quickly at the beginning we learn that Gideon and Lonnie are very much in love and they have a son only a few months old. They have been taken in and cared for by an older couple, Jebediah and Elsie. When they receive an unusual missive from Lonnie’s father saying her mother was ill, they decide to leave for her home town of Rocky Knob right away, in spite of the typical cold rainy weather of autumn. Gideon knew Lonnie would want to see her mother right away. It was about a two day hike through the mountain pass, and only navigated by foot.

When the couple and little Jacob arrive at Lonnie’s home, they discover it was a ruse. The following day they are given solemn news: Gideon had two wives. The first wife, whom Lonnie knew nothing about, was claiming her rights. In the early 1900’s, this type of problem fell under the jurisdiction of the church because they kept record of local marriages. The two church leaders decided that since there was no record of the papers dissolving the first marriage, Lonnie and Gideon were not legally married, and Gideon must return to his first wife. Her family backed up that decision in typical Appalachian style with rifles in hand. In addition, the couple was given three days to sign papers officially nullifying their wedding vows. The remaining story follows the two as they separate and go their different ways.

He is faithful

If you are anything like me, and love a good tale that plumbs the depths of sorrow and the heights of joy, then I’d advise you to stock up on the tissues. It will grab you by the heart and wring it dry by the conclusion, which by no means resolves all the issues. I just couldn’t put the book down. From the beginning chapters, my attention was riveted. It took me only a couple of days to read cover to cover. Since I love history, this romance historical fiction was a good fit for me. I highly recommend this book to others who love this genre as well. I’m looking forward to reading the complete trilogy as soon as possible.

A complimentary review copy was provided to me by The Booketeria website which serves Charisma House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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