At Bluebonnet Lake: A Novel (Texas Crossroads #1) by Amanda Cabot ~Review~

At Bluebonnet Lake (Texas Crossroads 1) by Amanda Cabot

At Bluebonnet Lake

Rainbow’s End seems destined to become a place of meetings, of life-long changes and sudden new directions. In essence, the old broken down resort that’s seen better days, was the place many came to ponder the crossroads they faced. In this book, we meet Roy, Sally, Kate and Greg. Their quandaries and decisions are what makes this contemporary romance a rewarding read.

Greg Vange’s childhood was dominated by his father’s disappointment in him. Greg never cared for sports as his father had. It seemed he didn’t possess the coveted sports gene whatsoever, and his dad was vocal about his shortcomings. But Greg was intelligent, loved school, and buried himself in computer technology. So it was no wonder when he finished his education that he started a business and found a lucrative niche for the software he designed. After dedicating fifteen years of his life to perfecting his brainchild, he suddenly realized one day that the world had passed him by. In a move that surprised his friends, he sold his business for a tidy profit and became free to do as he pleased. He ended up at Rainbow’s End to contemplate the next step. He wanted to follow God’s leading which prompted him to leave California and head for the Texas hill country.

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Kate Sherwood took a month’s vacation to travel to a resort in Texas with her grandmother Sally, who remembered a trip to Rainbow’s End with her husband Larry, years ago. She wanted to re-live some of those precious memories now that she and Kate were all the family they had. Kate loved her grandmother for good reason. When Kate was very young her parents died. Grandma Sally and Grandpa Larry took her in and raised her. It wasn’t much of a sacrifice to take time off work to spend time with her grandmother, especially when there were hints that she was experiencing some heart problems. But looking around, Kate realized this business was on its last legs. It was perilously close to shutting its doors. She was disappointed, although judging by the stars in her eyes, Sally hardly noticed. She was remembering this resort in her mind’s eye as she saw it in the past.

Roy Gordon was a widower from the town of Dupree, just three miles from Rainbow’s End. He came over to take some of his meals at the Inn. Carmen’s superb cooking was worth the trip. In the past several weeks he and Greg had formed a bond of friendship. Seated at the single table in the dining room was Kate and her grandmother. It wasn’t long before Roy paired up with Sally, and Greg paired up with Kate. Both men were intrigued.

One of the factors I loved about this book was the vivid descriptions of the surrounding countryside and Bluebonnet Lake. I could easily imagine myself vacationing in the area. The author employed descriptive terms that conveyed well the peace and tranquility of the views. Looking through Kate’s eyes, I could see the potential of Rainbow’s End as she began to see it. She was a visionary for the advertising firm she worked for. She had the ability to find hidden potential for her clients’ businesses as part of her work creating effective ads for them. It was only natural that she would see unique possibilities for the failing resort.

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Another thing I liked was the double feature: two romances for the price of one. Both romances were reminders that we can experience love regardless of our age. I especially noticed how the sweet relationships fit the setting so well. A heavily conflicted relationship would not have matched the tranquility of the location. Of course there were some barriers both couples needed to overcome before their romance could grow, but the obstacles were not formidable. Kate and Greg, the main characters, needed some closure from past issues before they could move forward as a couple. These issues created light tension between them in spite of their attraction to each other. But the resolution was satisfying.

The third element of the plot I enjoyed was the undercurrent of faith in their lives. The author writes it as a natural part of each character’s personality. God’s ways were important to the four friends we grow to care for in the story. Faith was as normal as breathing. It was natural for them to read their Bibles and pray together. Reading this book, we see faith in action rather than something to preach about. God was real to them, and their comforter and source of wisdom.

The author plans to make this book the first in a series. The next book is scheduled to be released in the early months of 2015. Rainbow’s End is the setting once more for the next adventure. I’m looking forward to reading them. For more information you can go to the author’s website.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Netgalley on behalf of Revell (a division of Baker Publishing). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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