Bio for Joy Boardman, PlanetJoy:Otherworldly Massages


Joy Boardman 

Massage therapist:

*provides mind-blowing mini-massages in shops downtown: 


Cranberry’s every Friday from 1-5

Made; every Sunday (Nov/Dec) from 12:30-5

*performs myofascial release (gentle, deep-tissue massage) for Year of Massage clients in her home office on Sears Hill

*helps out at Alls Well Massage on Beverly Street 

Art therapist:

*hosts collage art parties around town and in home

*helps women set goals and craft treasure maps to their hearts’ desires

*hosts powerful women’s retreats which teach how to be EXCITED about your life 

It all began with lefty-scissors and a trip to Spain. 

Not only do Collage and Massage rhyme, they BOTH provide spiritual healing for mind and body.

When I’m not actively working with women to improve their lives, you can find me hosting full moon parties, doing nutrition research, making eye masks & aromatherapy bath fizzies. Also, drinking wine, eating food, and dancing….

*I know how to tango

*I’ve been to England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain (twice! &first time all by myself!!), France, & Italy 

*My hair has been at least 10 different colors

*I went to Governors School for Art when I was in high school 

*I started working for myself when I was 24 years old. 

*I studied at The Steiner Institute of Massage in Charlottesville, VA 

*I’m an only child of a single parent with mental illness 

*I work mostly with busy women (entrepreneurs, teachers, mothers) 

*I’m a liberal Christian, tree hugger, wild child, & pixie kitten 

*I want more than anything for women to take time to take care of themselves and live lives that make them excited to get up in the morning. 

I believe that there’s always time for a great glass of wine, life is too short not to eat as much as you like, & buying organic is important. I believe you should always be yourself and tell the truth: no holding back. I believe people will be just as happy as they allow themselves to be. I believe you can cure what ails you using natural foods, supplements, & essential oils instead of running to the doctor for medication. I believe touch is the universal language and it’s SO important to connect with each other.

Find out how to make time for yourself, take care of your body, and live your most exciting life:

Message me to set up an appointment:



PlanetJoy: Otherworldly Massages, Planet-Friendly Collages
