Reach & Read: The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry

The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry By
Kathleen Flinn: A Book Review

I love food memoirs and Kathleen Flinn’s second book is no exception. In this book, she shares her experiences while attending the prestigious cook school in the universe (probably) Le Cordon Bleu, in an engaging non-pretentious fashion. As in her other book, the Kitchen Counter Cooking School, you learn some technique, acquire some recipes, laugh and, if you are me, feel twinges of jealousy at how rewarding her life appears in the written word. Once again, like I have mentioned before, this is an example of someone taking a great risk and yielding great reward. In fact, I have applauded so many others on this that I think, this year is MY year for great risk. Hmmmm, stay tuned for that one!

I also had the pleasure of meeting
Miss Fleen this fall in a recipe writing course though the local library, and she is just as witty in
person. And yes, the sharper your knife the less you cry when cutting onions. Huh! So simple. And it works.

I will not be trapping this book in my kitchen though. As you can see in the
photo, it was well traveled before I received it, as evidenced by a boarding pass to Mumbai via Denver ala Huston stuck in the pages. Sticking with a new found tradition, I left my boarding passes for the trip to Orlando, when I read the book. Also, since it is 2014 after all, I am trying out a new community called Book Crossing. This is where you register your books and then release them “into the wild” . This could be achieved by giving to a friend, leaving in a coffee shop, lobby, second hand store, a Little Free Library (which is soo on my Birthday Wish List). From here you can track the books travels, more scientifically than a boarding pass, connect with people all over the world and generally just geek out. Check it out!
This book has been released into the wild via Book Crossing. Follow its travels by looking up its BCID:

2 thoughts on “Reach & Read: The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry

  1. I really liked this book and was happy to learn there are Saturday classes at Le Cordon Bleu…so doing that one day!

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