Joseph Gordon-Levitt – Lithium (Nirvana Cover)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt performing "Lithium" by Nirvana at the Neptune Theater in Seattle, Washington on August 23rd 2011. Part of "HitRecord At The Movies With Joseph Gordon-Levitt."

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4 Responses to “Joseph Gordon-Levitt – Lithium (Nirvana Cover)”

  1. JGL why are you so damn sexy!!

  2. ThePeter69 says:

    Man, I am really starting to get Joseph Gordon-Levitt fatigued. The dude is in every movie ever, they have to go back and digitally place him in films just so that he makes an appearance.

  3. Because people who allegedly live rich, vain lives and date supermodels don’t have emotions or deal with bad things like every normal person…

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