Smooth Jazz Over 2 hours Jan 2013

Two hours non stop Jazz.

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18 Responses to “Smooth Jazz Over 2 hours Jan 2013”

  1. JOHNDEACON23 says:

    Very nice collection of Smooth Jazz tracks.Well Done!You could also make a Classic Jazz collection or a Jazz Fusion one.

  2. Nice…what a very relaxing way to spend my evening after an enriching day with my students…wonderful music!

  3. kylejsimm says:

    This is really nice! truly enjoyed

  4. kylejsimm Thank you and John D 23 Still working on it Just have got the time to get started and do it right

  5. Kuulolaite says:

    Thank you, more please.

  6. adamtcrAze says:

    Could someone tell me the name of the song at 1:00:26? Thanks!

  7. Blackz Angel says:

    It’s so good~ *-*

  8. Thank you to Blackz Angel AdamtcrAze Kuuloaite Kylesirmm JohnDeacon23 Jazz is what I grew up on that and Rock and Roll

  9. JOHNDEACON23 Tomorrow It shall be done for you as I hope you might like it

  10. BF6ct says:

    Whats the name of the first song?

  11. kastnmagic says:

    Superb job!! Thank you! Great taste!

  12. kastnmagic says:

    I do think it sounds better when the songs aren’t overlaid much at the transition… You have great taste and do a great job.. :)

  13. jinego says:

    The name of the first song is People make the world go around by Jeanette Harris.

  14. jinego says:

    It would be helpful to add the names of each song. Thanks.

  15. Sorry Jinego I do not have the list. What type of work do you? are you in radio business?

  16. Felix Pena says:

    It’s so smooth, I can’t take it!

  17. cujogoodie says:

    Soothing, great post..

  18. ncktyu says:


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