11 Shocking Facts About Social Media

Remember Myspace? Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1msVFkn Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1msVJ3K Mu…

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19 Responses to “11 Shocking Facts About Social Media”

  1. Nothing interesting about google+

  2. Nobody likes google+

  3. Joe Blow says:

    Zuckerfuck may have the last laugh…that is until Google + picks up the
    slack and wins big time. 

  4. alvarosave says:

    Woo yeah, come to my channel too :D 

  5. 36 million users on Myspace? I thought that place was dead. plus i have an
    account there from hm… 7 years ago am i one of 36 million? i’m just

  6. AMMOBURNUR says:

    Google plus is just dragging YouTube down with it. I hate that they’re
    linked. I have never met someone who has a google plus account. Ever. There
    is a reason for that.

  7. Fly says:

    If Google didn’t force everyone to have a G+ account, no one would use it.
    Doesn’t that actually break anti trust laws or something like that? Forcing
    people to use a certain product in order to continue using something else?

  8. This is the closest thing I’ve got to social media. 

  9. AntiSoraXVI says:

    Wait hold up… I don’t think hacking Facebook is worth 500$ (or any price
    for that matter) if you’re just gonna get arrested right after. Was that
    supposed to be funny? 

  10. PikaPlays says:

    Google+ just needed time go get popular and be used, but Google made the
    mistake of shoving it up every Youtube user’s ass, so now everyone has
    resentment towards it. Gg Google

  11. nobody likes you google +

  12. Miriam Michu says:

    Because of the video “poorf sinning is good for you” I have unsuscribed

  13. Fire And Ice says:

    BuzzFeed were scared to find Tumblr facts 

  14. LordIan155 says:

    Is the hacking Facebook for $500 real? I should get Ddossing :P 

  15. Mel O Elle says:

    poor google+….it must be the replacement for the internet explorer jokes.

  16. venom400 says:

    I refused a fatty in high-school twice, she lost tons of weight and went on
    to become the hottest girl I have ever seen, so I have something in common
    with myspace lol

  17. Does anyone even willingly use Google+? Why won’t Google just shut it
    down!? It’s a waste of money!

  18. Michelle Dai says:



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