Y is for Yoda #AtoZChallenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I have chosen the theme of characters. On my normal blogging days, Monday – parenting, Wednesday – quotes, and Thursday – writing/publishing, I will focus on characteristics. On the other days (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I will write about characters from movies, TVs or books.

YToday the letter is Y for Yoda. The Grand Master of the Jedi Order is among the oldest of the Jedi in the Star Wars universe. He first appears in 1980’s Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes back as Luke Skywalker’s reluctant instructor in the ways of the Force.

Yoda is one of those characters that you should not underestimate. Even though he is small (and green), he is immensely powerful and knowledgeable in the ways of the Force. yodaHe has spent eight centuries training Jedi. Wielding a green-bladed lightsaber, Yoda can hold his own in combat as he has proved in numerous battles.

Yoda appears in all of the Star Wars movies except Episode IV: A New Hope. (His voice can even be heard in the latest Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.) He also appears in both The Clone Wars & Star Wars Rebels animated series as well as many books that were part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (or now known as Star Wars Legends after Disney declared the expanded universe as non-canon.)

If you missed the other days in the A to Z Challenge:

A is for Alice

B is for Belgarath 

C is for Cautious Child

D is for Dana Scully

E is for Enthusiasm (Quote) and Southwestern Eggrolls (Recipe)

F is for Flaky Character 

G is for Gandalf 

H is for Huckleberry Finn

I is for Independence 

J is for Jason Bourne

K is for Kind (Quote)

L is for Lazy Characters

M is for Merlin

N is for Nancy Clancy

O is for Organized

P is for Puss in Boots

Q is for Quiet

R is for Rebellious Characters

S is for Sherlock Holmes

T is for Thor

U is for Unselfish

V is for Voldemort

W is for Wise (Quote)

One thought on “Y is for Yoda #AtoZChallenge

  1. Much as I love Yoda for his intellect and his mastery of the Force, the question that remains as to why, after more than eight centuries, he still hasn’t cracked English sentence structure.

    Keith Channing A-Zing from http://keithkreates.com

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