Placenta Encapsulation Fights Baby Blues

All new mothers face a range of emotions with the birth of their babies. Mood swings and crying spells are common but fade quickly. Some women face more than the common baby blues. Postpartum depression and the even more severe postpartum psychosis have gained headlines in the last decade. From celebrity opinions to sad accounts of infant and maternal deaths, the media has brought this to societies attention.

  • Baby Blues lasts a few days to a few weeks with symptoms of mood swings, anxiety, sadness, irritability, crying, decreased concentration, and trouble sleeping.
  • Postpartum Depression can disguise itself as baby blues but the symptoms are longer lasting and more intense. Loss of appetite, insomnia, intense irritability and anger, overwhelming fatigue, loss of interest in sex, lack of joy, shame/guilt/inadequacy, severe mood swings, difficulty with bonding, withdrawal from loved ones, thoughts of harming herself or her baby.
  • Postpartum Psychosis symptoms are more severe and typically develop within the first two weeks of birth. Mother shows confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, attempts to harm herself or the baby.
  • Treatment

    Counseling, antidepressants, and hormone therapy are common treatments for postpartum depression. Postpartum psychosis requires hospitalization and antidepressants, anti-psychotic medications and/or mood stabilizers. Medications offer their own range of side affects and health concerns. Medications and separation can greatly challenge a mothers ability to breastfeed as well.

    Keeping active, setting realistic expectations on yourself, taking time for yourself, and avoiding isolation are some things that a mother can do to take care of herself and speed up recovery. Vitamin supplements such a Vitamin B Complex can help to balance mood swings and give a new mother energy. There is also an ancient remedy that has been used in nature since the beginning of time. Consuming the placenta helps balance a mother’s hormone levels postpartum.

    The six weeks following birth, mothers have low levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH). Cortisol raises blood sugar levels and maintains normal blood pressure, which helps us perform well under stress. The Cortisol hormone helps combat depression. With low levels of CRH postpartum, mothers face the overload of emotions and stress of having a new baby without the hormones necessary to cope.

    During the last several months of pregnancy the placenta releases high levels of CRH. After the placenta is gone the body is delayed in being able to regulate normal production levels of CRH. The placenta post birth is full of this hormone. Placenta encapsulation allows women to utilize this natural resource and continue to use it’s properties to balance hormones postpartum.

    “The placenta can be dried, ground, and encapsulated. The capsules can then be taken daily for a number of weeks. You reap all of the healthful benefits of placenta quickly, easily and discreetly, and the capsules will last indefinitely (for years). When you have recovered from childbirth, you can freeze the capsules and save them for menopause.” – is a great online resource for information on the baby blues, the benefits of placenta encapsulation, and resources for finding professionals in your area. With professionals across the country many mothers are finding relief from symptoms of the baby blues and postpartum depression.

    For the Kansas City area Lilly Mason is the professional getting fantastic referrals from local mamas.

    Placenta Encapsulating Testimonials

    “Having experienced the ‘baby blues’ with the first births, it was so great to be able to simply enjoy my brand new baby and my other sweet girls without the negative feelings of anger, paranoia, and desperation. New moms don’t need to suffer with that now that this wonderful service is being offered!” -Sarah

    “I noticed a change the first day I started taking them. At first I thought, well, maybe I just feel so good because I expect to, but I noticed a difference depending on taking it or not, and even the amount of pills or how I spaced them throughout the day. I knew this was real. I had so much energy, my postpartum bleeding was lighter and finished sooner than any of my other pregnancies, and I just felt wonderful.” -Debi

    “Sometimes it is hard for someone to self diagnose how they are “doing”. I asked my husband along the way if he felt that me taking the capsules had contributed to my moods being better. He readily agreed that there was a world of difference between how I was after this birth while taking the capsules than I was the first time.” -Kimberly

    From Brookie-Lee

    After hearing the praises of placenta encapsulation from several mamas who visit our store I researched the benefits. Although the concept of consuming my baby’s placenta in the raw form was not appealing to me, taking capsules is a fantastic alternative. With different obstacles in my life and the stresses that I face, postpartum can be a trying time for me. I try and create a bubble around myself that allows me the time I will need for the adjustment of a new member to our family.

    While I see a world of difference when I take my Vitamin B Complex I still suffered from the the Baby Blues with the birth of our third child. I hope to have Lilly Mason help us encapsulate the placenta for our new baby this spring. I look forward to using the natural hormones of the placenta for a happier, tear free babymoon.

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