The Book Hipster

The ramblings of things that make me…um, well…me.

Not so Secret Santa: Author / Blogger Exchange – Brandy Dorsch

Happy Almost Christmas, Hipsters!

Almost Christmas

Today, I’m bringing you one of my world famous “The Random 5…” interviews as part of our (Danielle @ Consuming Worlds and Mine) Not so Secret Santa: Author / Blogger Exchange!

Author Blogger Exchange Final Graphic

Today’s guest/author/awesome person/let me torture her with my questions: Brandy Dorsch!!!

What lies behind these sunglasses...oh wait...there's water...

What lies behind these sunglasses…oh wait…there’s water…

Brandy was nominated by a blogger to recognized and shared with the world (okay, my followers and anyone else who catches this blog from another person linking it.) and I’m so excited to get to share her with you! Part of the Not so Secret Santa Exchange was to pair a blogger up with an author they were not familiar with, so I get to meet a new friend out of this, too!

Brady is the author of EVERLASTING HUNGER

I've not read it, yet, but it is about stuff...he he he...

I’ve not read it, yet, but it is about vampires…and…um…other stuff…he he he…

…and she sounds like she is a pretty cool chic! We’ve already friended each other on Facebook. She probably already thinks I’m a weirdo…ha ha ha!!!

My brain...on Christmas...ha!

My brain…on Christmas…ha!


If you’d like to learn MORE about Brandy, you can find her on her Author Website , Blog,  Twitter , Author Facebook , Blog Facebook, and Goodreads. Check out her book EVERLASTING HUNGER on AMAZON (available in eBook or Paperback) and BARNES & NOBLE (available for Nook and Paperback).

Normally, I’d make “The Random 5…” all about regular, random things. This is a special Christmas Edition, so all my questions are Holiday based…so enjoy!


1. If you could be the main character in any holiday movie: What movie? What character? Why? 

First of all, thank you for having me on your blog!  I love visiting and making new friends. (Hipster Note: Awwww…)

Favorite character, huh?  I would have to say that would be Tim Allen’s character from The Santa Clause.  I found him hysterical and I think it would be awesome to drop into a whole new life like that.  There is just something about starting brand new that is refreshing and exciting.

Oooooh...LOVE that movie!

Oooooh…LOVE that movie!

2. If you ran into Santa at the grocery store (What? He needs to eat, too!) and he were to ask you…would you be on the Naughty or Nice List? (keep it as clean as possible, you are at the grocery store, after all…ha!)

Santa has me permanently on the naughty list!  I thought it was just because of the naughty stories I like to write but no he says it is just me!! 😀

I can't argue with his logic...this seems pretty naughty. ;-)

I can’t argue with his logic…this seems pretty naughty. 😉

3. Are your Christmas decorations more simple, like Scrooge or awesomely insane, like Clark Griswold?

Yeah...that's...uh...nice... *puts on sunglasses*

Yeah…that’s…uh…nice… *puts on sunglasses*

Right now, they are very simplistic due to our living arrangements.  When we were in a bigger house they were a little more insane but nothing like Clark’s!  I left that up to my grandmother who usually rocked a Christmas village, more animatronics than a movie set and a tree that always seemed to lean to the right.

Hmmmm...something isn't quite right here...maybe if I tip my head a little to the left...

Hmmmm…something isn’t quite right here…maybe if I tip my head a little to the left…

4. What was the BEST Christmas present you received as a child?

Wow.  Talk about blasting to the past.  I am a serious reader and been that way forever.  I think the best present was when my aunt sent an entire box of the Babysitters Club from the author and some of them were signed.  It made my Christmas!

I don't remember if I read these or not. I know I read GIRL TALK books...and some SWEET VALLEY HIGH.

I don’t remember if I read these or not. I know I read GIRL TALK books…and some SWEET VALLEY HIGH.

5. Fruit cake: Yes or No?

Only if I am seriously drunk. LOL!

Well, it looks harmless...or is this like when I eat Candy Corn and I dislike it every year?

Well, it looks harmless…or is this like when I eat Candy Corn and I get tricked into eating it every year?


Well, Hipsters, I think Brandy will fit in here nicely based on these answers, what do you think?

To top off our Not so Secret Santa Exchange, we’re raffling off two $10 Amazon Gift Cards…so you can pick up a couple new books! Or…whatever…


Did you enter? Good! Good luck!

Have a Merry Christmas, Hipsters! *blows kisses*

Yes...that's my "Christmas" top...ha!

Yes…that’s me…in my “Christmas” top…ha!

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