Rearranging the Living Room

My living room is probably the room in my condo that is the furthest from complete. The biggest reason is that I want a ton of new furniture- a new (sectional) couch, a new coffee table, an entertainment center- basically everything. Click here for a mood board I made of my living room a while back.

Unfortunately, I’m having to save up my pennies for each of these things & other things have turned out to be higher priority (like redesigning my closets to make them more efficient.) So, a new couch is looking pretty far down the road.

One of my next big purchases, however, will be a big entertainment center. I am constantly stalking craigslist as well as looking at an Ikea option and considering a complete DIY. I decided that it would be a good time to try out an alternate layout for the room, before I have that huge piece of furniture that is too hard for one or two people to really move.

So, during Sean’s last visit, he surprised me by switching the room around while I was in the shower! For a reminder, here is how it looked before:



After a little switcheroo, here is what we are looking at now:

rearrange living room

rearrange living room

rearrange living room

rearrange living room

I am really digging it. Think with me here- imagine one, grey sectional, an airy coffee table, and a full wall sized white entertainment center. This layout makes the whole condo feel much more open. Sean & I were both pleasantly surprised!

Now that I am more set on a layout, I feel better finally hanging some wall artwork! Can’t wait to share what I have in mind!!!

The whole move took only about 15 minutes except for one snag- which we will be sharing with you next time but is now solved!

Done any switcheroos lately?

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