Olive oil, cortisol and adrenal fatigue

I am still on my olive oil/adrenal fatigue research kick! I have seen such amazing results using olive oil on my skin and taking it internally, that I am fixated on proving the connection between it and whatever has casued my histamine intolerance. I am hot on the trail of its relationship between adrenal fatigue, cortisol and hormones.

From the Livestrong site:

Olive Oil

According to a study published in the journal “Nature” in 2005, a compound found within extra virgin olive oil, or EVOO, has been shown to have a natural anti-inflammatory effect. This compound, oleocanthal, gives EVOO anti-inflammatory properties similar to that of cortisol and may account for this long-known benefit of a Mediterranean diet.

Combining the idea from the other things I’ve studied about menopause exacerbating adrenal fatigue, and how cortisol production is exhausted and damages your immune response which then affects inflammation and thus histamine release, and then how olive oil works as an anti-inflammatory similar in properties to cortisol, doesn’t it make sense that the olive oil replaces or supports the missing cortisol and helps heal your damaged immune system?

I know, that was quite a sentence…but still…it would explain so much.

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but I’m telling you that the olive oil has made a major difference in my histamine intolerance. I was maintaining pretty well with my supplements and low histamine diet, but when I started using the olive oil my situation improved to the point now where I have itch free days. I would have to look at my food diary to even see when the last time I had an itch was. That’s how good it’s been.

I still maintain a low histamine diet for the most part. I’ve wandered onto the “unsafe” food list a bit and suffered no ill effects. In other words I didn’t itch. And I still keep up with my supplements. If it all works, why change anything? But I am now thinking that when I have off during the summer, if I am still as stable as I am now, I will cut back and maybe eliminate the supplements while keeping up the olive oil application and intake to see what happens.

So I will keep recording everything in my food diary and maintain everything that is working and keep researching. Lacking anyone else trying my regimen, I only have myself as proof that something is working, so if anyone has tried anything I’ve suggested and had results, be they positive or negative, please let me know.

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Posted in Women's health
13 comments on “Olive oil, cortisol and adrenal fatigue
  1. Kirsty Siemens says:

    Hi there,
    I suffer from atopic dermatitis, which went from mild all of my life to severe in the last 18 months to 2 years. I’m 46, about to head into menopause. I’ve been thinking that I am also histamine intolerant. I’m looking at adopting a histamine restricted diet. As well I am intrigued by the olive oil thing. I’m wondering how much you take internally and how often you apply it topically.

    • So funny you should ask this today as I just updated my supplements page, not two hours ago, to reflect the addition of olive oil.

      I always put a tablespoon in my morning smoothie and take a teaspoon before bed. I also use it all through the day in salad dressing and to roast veggies and that kind of thing.

      I make sure I apply a thin layer of oil at least once a day on my arms and legs. I have one spot on my arm that gets a little reactive and if I use it a couple of times a day, I notice a big difference. When I get lax about using it I definitely notice a difference.

      Please let me know if you try it and if you have any success. I would love to be able to say someone else has had a positive result other than me!

  2. Susan says:

    I am willing to give it a try!!! I will report back. Do you wash it off before bed? Susan

  3. christina emanuel says:

    You are a fricken genius!!! Thank you so much for all of this. I’ve always itched for a few days before each period, but now that I’m in perimenopause the itch is pretty much all the time. An astute allergist noted that I am sensitive to histamines and my symptoms diminished significantly when I removed tomatoes and spinach from my diet (which was very sad indeed). He did say hormones would intersect with the histamine factor, but did not go far enough…you pick up where he left off. Last night I rubbed EVOO all over my itchy old body and had a spoonful last night and I slept much better. I need to remove more histamine foods and continue w olive oil. Took olive leaf as well. Thank you!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow, it’s not often I get called a genius! Thank you. It’s wonderful validation when someone thinks I’ve helped.

    You’re one of the few, maybe actually the only one, who has said that a professional even came close to understanding the problem. I hope you keep in touch with that allergist and help him fill in the blanks for the next itchy gal that comes his way.

    I’m telling you, olive oil has been the key for me. My healing took off when I started using the olive oil. And I always sleep better when I apply it to my skin. Last night I didn’t use it and noticed I was not as well rested this morning.

    Keep in touch and report back so we know how you’re doing.


  5. Susan says:

    Could you give your exact olive oil daily routine and how much? Thanks Susan

    • Yes. One tablespoon in my morning smoothie and one teaspoon before bed with my other supplements. And then whatever I eat during the day on roasted veggies and salad dressing.

      About an hour or two before bed I smooth a little on my lower legs and arms. If I’m too greasy before bed because it hasn’t absorbed, I use a paper towel and wipe my skin down.

  6. Beth says:

    Finding your site fascinating. I am a Master Herbalist through The School of Natural Healing and thought you might find it interesting that Dr. Christopher used olive oil in his 3-oil massage.


  7. Lori Bryant says:

    Can you tell me which brand of olive oil you use? There are some many and some are even fakes. Thank you.

    • Colavita. You can feel the burn!

      • Inge says:

        I am a 30 year old female from Belgium and I suffer from chronic health problems for almost 12 years now.
        I suffer from chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, histamine intolerance etc etc

        I tried to ingest a tablespoon of evoo before bed for 2 days, but it gave me even more heart palpitations 😦
        I am afraid to try olive leaf extract because I am sensitive to supplements.

        Any suggestions?

        Thanks a lot!

        Kind regards

  8. nina george says:

    I found your blogs by accident trying to work out what is going on with me. i think i have histamine intolerance. i itch every day unless i take anti histamines. i cant sleep for long around 4 hours i always feel i want to urinate, bad mood swings and such rage at times i want to lash out. my brain doesn’t seem to work or be as sharp and bad concentration i have eczema asthma and hay fever. ive been to the drs several times and had bloods that say im not postmenopausal. i have been in an abusive relationship for 6 years and then my next relationship my partners son got cancer so had a fair bit of stress over the years i feel i suffer with anxiety too. im coping but its hard. thank you so much for sharing. what olive oil do you use and how to you take it?

    • I use Colavita. It has a good burn to it which says there’s a high degree of polyphenols in it. I use a couple of teaspoons in my smoothie in the morning. But when I was really acute, I’d have an additional teaspoon before bed which helped with insomnia. And I used it on my legs. I’d put it on and leave it for a while and then wipe off the excess with a paper towel.

      I hope that helps.


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