Waiting for Parts

The QEG Core

The QEG Core

You may be wondering what we have been doing since Hope and her family arrived on the 17th – over a week ago. The simple answer is: we’ve been waiting for parts!

The not-so-simple answer varies according to the perspective you choose to hold about the delays of the deliveries of multiple critical parts that were ordered way ahead of time and yet, for whatever reason, were not here when the team arrived to assemble them.

Key among these missing parts was the Core of the Queege, the essence of the QEG. It was manufactured in New Jersey by Torelco and shipped via DHL for delivery in Tangier on April 8th – a whole week before Hope and family were due to arrive in Morocco.

Somehow, the Core took a circuitous route that included Germany and a couple of other places. Tomas and I arrived on the 9th and no one had any word on the whereabouts of the Core. The following Tuesday, April 15th, we heard that the Core had been delivered to Tangier (two and a half hours away by car) but customs would not release it to us. A few days later, we were told that the Core was now in Casablanca, about five and a half hours drive (one way) from Aouchtam and the customs officials had absolutely no intention of releasing the package to us.

There were other parts that Hope had ordered before leaving for Taiwan on March 25th that had not shown up either – bearings, the shaft, the rotor, a specific epoxy needed for insulating the wire in the Core. Brian Kelly had been on the phone for two weeks, lining up people coming over from the US to bring parts in their luggage. Tomas and I carried 100 feet of Teflon tubing (a very small package, actually) that arrived at our UPS mailbox only a few minutes before closing on the evening before our flight left Seattle for New York.

After the Team’s experience in Taiwan of having a state-of-the-art factory at their disposal, capable of manufacturing any part needed, it seemed that the pendulum had swung to the opposite position, allowing us to learn what it takes to assemble a QEG in a non-industrial country. Yankee ingenuity for one thing!!! Message to the World: “If we can get a QEG up and running in Morocco, we can do it anywhere!”

We did what we could to prepare for the Core and her Court in their absence. We learned about the basic mechanics of the device. We got the QEG workshop organized and any little auxiliary part that we could prepare, we did prepare. We learned about the Cottage Industry Community Unit (CICU) marketing plan and the New Paradigm Business Model that Hope has developed to assure that the open-source model of production is matched by a business model that goes forward on a platform of generosity, cooperation, full transparency and giving back part of the profits.

Mostly, we worked on ourselves, developing group resonance and group focus, so that the metaphysical aspect of assembly would be in place when the physical parts arrived. To this end most of our group went on an outing on Wednesday, April 23, to the M’soura Ring of Stones (see photos here.) They finished the evening at a traditional Moroccan restaurant in the old section of Tetouan called The Medina. By the time our group came home, there was a feeling of family among the 40 people who attended.

Some others of us who weren’t feeling up to an all day excursion, chose to stay home and do ceremony in support of getting the Core out of customs and having all the rest of the parts arrive safely.

Part of the Yankee ingenuity involved shipping parts overnight to one of our team members in the US and then having that person carry the parts to Morocco in their luggage by plane the next day. Sheri Gordon stepped up to this request and arrived here Thursday on only four days’ notice. Yay Sheri!!

The story of what it took to get the Core out of bondage deserves its own post. I’ll give you the play by play of the eight hours of dealing with Moroccan bureaucracy tomorrow.

Rest assured that all is well: only a delay, not a stop. Our intention has always been strong and our motives for bringing the QEG to Morocco are based in Service to Others, namely the people of the world. We are here at the heart of world transformation. We appreciate immensely your love and support.

A Peek into the "Queege"

A Peek into the “Queege”

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  1. Pingback: Waiting for Parts for the QEG | New Earth Heartbeat

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