Scrapbooking Embellishment Organization

SwankyLuv: Embellishment Organization

This might not look like much, but when you see the before, you might be surprised.

SwankyLuv: Embellishment Organization

The worst part is, this isn’t even all of it. I had a plastic bin full of paper and other embellishments as well, which is all in the drawer now. I started with three little boxes (you can see one with pink handles in this picture) that had embellishments and stamps in them, and then everything else was just thrown into the box. It was pretty bad. I really had made an effort to keep it organized, but when you end up with SO MUCH STUFF, it starts to get hard very quickly. When I came across these Martha Stewart secure top binder pockets at Staples, inspiration hit.

SwankyLuv: Embellishment Organization

I grabbed a couple binders from the binder box (yes, we have a binder box) and got to work. The smaller embellishments and clear stamps went into the four section pockets (and two section pockets not shown) and the larger ones went into the full size ones.

SwankyLuv: Embellishment Organization

In the larger pockets that held the clear stamps, I inserted a piece of paper to separate the front and back to allow me to double the number of stamps. The smaller pockets are one sided.

SwankyLuv: Embellishment Organization

This made a huge difference in my drawer. I’m now able to see what I have, and actually use it. I have easy access to embellishments and clear stamps, and I was able to fit a box from my cereal box drawer organizer project into the drawer, which holds stamp makers and scissors and punches.

One of my biggest issues was that a lot of stuff was still in packaging, so getting rid of tons of packaging trash was a huge help. And now I have an empty plastic bin to use!