Guns, Guns, Guns…

…and who owns them.

I’ve been paying attention, with unusual interest, to the debate surrounding the tiny newspaper in New York that released the names of firearms permit holders.

Clearly this was political.  Clearly it was legal.

OK… so why would anyone be upset?  Aside from the blatantly political move by the “objective” press….

1.  There is an argument that gun owners do not want “bad guys” to know they have a gun in their home.

I’m not sure I understand this argument… If I’m not home my weapons are secure.  If I’m home, I’m secure.  No problem.  I hope the “bad guys” all know… that’s kind of the point.

2.  There is an argument that law-abiding Liberals living around those who have publicly applied for, and obtained, firearms permits are a threatened by those permit holders.

Again, I’m not sure I understand this argument as law-abiding Gun Owners are not the ones committing crimes.  They are also connected in many cases of stopping criminal acts in progress.  (We can discuss who is the “first line of defense” in comments if needed.  I welcome it.  I have also heard Liberal talking heads say they would not want their kids in my home if they know I have guns… well I too do not want your kids in my home, soooo… we’re okay then, right?)

But there is one clear point here.

Yes, this exposure was intended to “shame” those who own guns by the Leftist Newspaper.  But it has turned out to be only shameful to the Leftist permit holders.  This fact should bring a smile to our collective gun owning faces.

You have to remember that to a Liberal, laws are for other people… not the Liberals who propose them.  The only people on that list of names who were “shamed” were those individual Liberals who champion Gun Control laws… for the Little People.   It is fashionable to be in favor of gun bans… being more outraged over every shooting than your neighbor… shaking your head in disdain over the proliferation of guns in America, etc.

This presents itself in the Righteousness associated with their Democrat/Socialist circle of friends by being in favor of all and any Gun Control.  (These are also the same people who if offered a sign for their front yard proclaiming “This Home is Proudly Gun Free” would refuse to put it up.  I know this because I have personally offered to hammer it into the ground myself…)

However, It becomes difficult to explain to your “Common Sense-Mainstream” Liberal neighbors that you too are a “Common Sense-Mainstream” Liberal when you have been outed as a gun-toting freak.

This is why there has been quick and focused amount of negative attention applied to this matter by the rest of the Leftist Media… because they’re well aware that a number of their members happen to have concealed carry permits and reside in New York and the surrounding boroughs, counties and states.  The very leftist New York Media who are NOT cheering this latest exposure of permit holders, know full well they are on deck for the next round of exposures.

So once again, the Hypocrisy of the Left is what is at issue here.  Nothing New.

Don’t be distracted by the first two arguments and pay closer attention to who is being offended and positioning themselves as the suddenly new champions of the second amendment and personal privacy.  You will find a growing number of Democrats whose voting records demonstrate their brand new, previously undocumented, love of both.  They have images to protect… don’t you know.

Keep Smiling!

(Update: Gawker has fired the next shot by producing a list of permit holders in NYC.  Hilarious!)

It’s worth noting that this story occurred several years ago… and very shortly after Gawker released the NYC list the ‘releasing of lists’ suddenly stopped.  It was not made illegal to release these lists… it just ‘mysteriously’ stopped.  Funny how Leftist Liberals do not like it when you turn on the lights.


About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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