Compost Awareness Week – 6 – 12 May 2012

New research exposes that almost half of the food waste in our rubbish bins could have been composted! 

“Compost Awareness Week aims to encourage more people to realise the benefits of home composting and the great results that can be achieved by using peat-free composts containing recycled material”

With a HOTBIN you can easily do your bit to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill by transforming it into nutritious compost that won’t cost the earth.  Recycling your waste is good news for the environment because it helps to cut down the amount of organic waste that is sent to landfill and its good news for your garden too.

The HOTBIN has been specifically designed to reverse overnight how much waste a household sends to landfill. Its clever design ensures all food waste including meat and fish, not just fruit and vegetable peelings can be composted efficiently with less odour and fewer flies in your own backyard.

Designed to help maximize what nature does naturally by bringing together the right conditions to make hot composting easy.The HOTBIN works as you can actively achieve temperatures between 40 -60C. These higher temperatures along with the effective aeration allows the HOTBIN to effortlessly reduce and recycle a wide variety of food and garden waste into great compost all year round. In fact at those temperatures you can expect to harvest a batch of beautiful ‘black gold’ every three months.

The HOTBIN has been independently tested by Garden Organic for ease of use, effectiveness and quality of compost produced, confirming that high temperatures can be maintained to provide sanitation of waste, including cooked food.

This is why the HOTBIN is a home composting system that recycles a whole lot more than potato peelings! Just think you will be returning all those lovely nutrients back into the soil. You can even save water too as using compost can increase the ability of your garden to hold water.

The HOTBIN is made from a robust engineering material called expanded polypropylene bead that is also used on car bumpers. It has been chosen for its hardy and insulating properties. The HOTBIN is made in the UK, 100% recyclable and invented in Morpeth.

In our recent customer survey more than 90% of users agreed that it was important to have the ability to compost cooked food waste; 61.5% of users are adding all food waste to their HOTBIN and 64.9% are now diverting a lot or nearly everything from Landfill.

And here are just a few of their comments!

‘My HOTBIN is a talking point at dinner parties as composting is now much more interesting.’

‘My HOTBIN takes the grubbiness out of the composting process’

‘My HOTBIN has made me more conscious about our waste and recycling’

‘MY HOTBIN converts waste into good stuff for the garden’

‘MY HOTBIN produces something for nothing to put back on my garden’

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Filed under Compost, Compost Bins, Hot Composting, Recycling Food Waste

One response to “Compost Awareness Week – 6 – 12 May 2012

  1. Anyone who has no backyard garden can donate kitchen waste to a community garden compost pile. Arrangements are being made in our town for the garden to send volunteers to restaurants twice a week.

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