The Love Bar is not for Sale

A sweet love story. Plopp is a classic chocolate bar brand owned by Cloetta, a Swedish confectionery producer. Two years ago Cloetta produced a Love Plopp campaign. Instead of Plopp it was written ”Kärlek” (Love), ”Lycka” (Happiness), ”Puss” (Kiss) and ”Kram” (Hug) on the packaging.

The idea was to spread love and happiness all around.

It was a success and Cloetta made a relaunch at Valentine’s Day this year.

There was one problem. The Valentine’s Day’s ads showed the love and happiness bars but you couldn’t find any in the candy store. It is claimed that a packaging machine at Cloetta had broken down.

You could still buy ”Kiss” and ”Hug” bars but that was not enough and a love hungry woman has reported Cloetta to the Swedish Consumer Agency. She had planned serving love and happiness bars at a wedding but the wedding guests were left with just kisses and hugs. What a disaster.

A spokeperson says Cloetta regret the problem the lack of love and happiness has caused.

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