Learning each and every day

My quest to edify myself a bit every day

Day 45 – February 14

I’ve been on a food kick lately. Probably because I’ve not had much time to be in my sewing space learning new things there. Today I tried out a recipe for crock-pot tomato basil soup. I actually made a soup last week. I had tomato basil soup on the menu, but couldn’t remember where the recipe was supposed to come from. I found one in my crock pot book and tried it . . . giant fail . . .gross! I was really looking forward to trying this recipe today as it was the one I originally intended to make.

The verdict: quite good, not delicious, but quite good. I used a mixture of whole and 2% milk rather than half and half, which I’m sure made it less rich. The flavor was pretty good, with the roux and herbs and veggies. I just wanted to have a little something more. I forgot to add fresh parsley (not called for in the recipe but I thought it would be a good addition). I think that would have helped. Maybe potatoes would have been a good addition. I can’t really put my finger on what was missing, but the recipe was good enough that I’ll keep it around and experiment to get better and better results. I really liked how simple it was to put together, and the house always has a lovely smell when things are cooking in the crock pot. So, even though it seems like I’m giving it a “meh” review, it really was quite good. Actually, I bet it will be even better tomorrow once the flavors have had time to chill together some in the fridge.

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