Christianity 101: What’s It All About?

This mini-series of posts will run alongside the two main series I’m currently writing. I wanted to do something short and snappy, and which gets to the heart of what Christianity is all about. I believe the Christian faith offers something unique, and I want to show how it can impact our lives and our world.

I’ve called this series “Christianity 101” because I want to explain what the Christian faith stands for, and show the difference it can make to people’s lives.

So; What’s It All About?
The answer to this question can be summed up as follows:


When God first made humans, we were meant to relate to Him as our creator. Unfortunately, humanity put its own selfish desires before our love of God, and we therefore rejected Him. This is called sin. Sin separates us from God. There is nothing we can do to bridge that gap.

This separation from God has caused all kinds of problems. The most serious is death, which was something we were never supposed to experience.

God did not want to leave things this way; so He came into our world as Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ life, we learn about the way we are supposed to live. Through Jesus’ death, the gap between us and God is closed, as Jesus took the punishment for our sin. Because Jesus took our punishment, God is able to justly forgive us. Through Jesus’ resurrection, we are promised new life beyond death, where we will live as God intended. This is the heart of the Christian faith: through Jesus, we are reconciled to God.

The way this impacts our world is varied, and I hope to explore some of these throughout this series. If there are things you want to know more about, or topics you think I should tackle in this short series, please get in touch: I’m always happy to receive ideas!

Whatever topics are explored in this series, they have their foundation in the fact that Christians believe that through Jesus human being are brought back to God, and are enabled to live in the way He intended all along. The following picture suggests some Bible passages, which could help you explore this further:

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