Write a sequel to your favorite movie

Topic #324:

Write a sequel to your favorite movie. It can be a synopsis, just a few sentences. What happens next? What can you imagine would be the future of the characters, and key decisions they’d have to make? How can you imagine it working out?

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  1. Cool! I’m going to write a sequel to The Hangover. I think I’ll start by–

    Wait. What’s that? There’s already–

    Oh. Never mind.


  2. A sequel to Independence Day: A new President is leading the country in a quest to punish the aliens who attempted to conquer Earth in Independence Day I. The President is a member of the Tea Party, and follows the notion that America should have everything she can get, because that’s the way of the free market.

    Will Smith plays the same character in both movies, but in the second, his wife and child have died in a car accident brought on by the government trying to save money by dimming stoplight bulbs. He is, of course, angry and resentful, and he believes that spending our nation’s entire budget on building ships to go find the aliens is a really bad idea. He raises objections, but is hushed up by the government.

    The president and the vice president and the entire legislature are killed while examining one of the ships in space. Part of the country wants to bring the President who fought the aliens back. The others in the country want to elect the sniveling ex-Defense Secretary, because he was originally in favor of meeting the aliens with a full military strike. In the election, he is elected President, and our brave former President is now VP.

    Plans go on for the retaliation, which will involve finding the base of the fleet of ships like the one destroyed in the first movie. But, calmer minds prevail in the end — the Bill Paxton character is reelected President with a Constitutional Amendment, and the cabal of military and Defense leaders who’ve been masterminding the retaliation are tried for treason against the human race, as their attack will bring several of the mother ships down upon Earth. Some are convicted, including the sitting Pres., and everyone else is happy and coming out of their paranoid mood.

    In the very end, we see Will Smith’s character falling in love with a fellow pilot, and the two of them driving into the desert for a honeymoon. Behind them by a few miles, and concealed, an alien fighter follows, and in a close shot of the interior of the fighter, we see an alien, and the big helicopter pilot from the first movie, still resentful from the stolen helicopter and obviously insane, plotting to revive the retaliation, setting it up as the final conquering battle with Earth.

    What a fascinating topic! Thanks!


  3. And they live happily ever after.

    Then comes their children, assuming the legacy of their parents. After surmounting some tough challenges that threaten a large portion of humanity, and they live happily ever after again.

    See I like happy endings 🙂


  4. oops! My most humble apologies to Bill Pullman, who played the President in Independence Day. It was not Bill Paxton, as I said in my sequel. Mea maxima culpa!


  5. Buenas décadas de años hace, que OESTELANDIA (Yul Brainer) mostraba una forma futurista de hacer turismo, en épocas muy pasadas.
    La Roma Imperial, el Oeste de pistoleros etc.
    Lo impactante: Los lugares a visitar y los que habitaban era robotizado, los únicos humanos eran los turistas, y quienes manejaban lo robotizado.
    Qué incontrolable problema se suscitó cuando los robot´s se auto-controlaban y re-actuaban sanguinarios contra los turistas etc. etc.
    Pareciera que vamos camino a algo semejante en esa película,


  6. Buttercup and Westley do actually build a summer home in the Fire Swamp, and Inigo becomes the most long-lived Dread Pirate Roberts in history. Humperdinck is so shamed by his cowardice that he asks Miracle Max to cure him of it, but Max says “your courage isn’t just mostly dead, it’s all dead”!

    “The Princess Wife” – sequel to the Princess Bride
