2012 Vacation Bible Schoo!

VBS is in progress!

We are meeting on our campus at 7000 Charbonneau Road (76135), from 6:30pm – 8:45pm.

The past couple of nights have been wonderful.  I can’t begin to tell you what a blessing it has been. We had 34 kids show up on Sunday night, and 42 kids show up on Monday!  We are super excited about the transformation God can do in their lives.

Be in prayer for us!

  • Pray that the Thunderstorms continue to fall South of us.
  • Pray that the kid’s heart begin to be penetrated with the Gospel of Jesus.
  • Pray that kids get saved through the VBS experience.
  • and, Pray that our workers are imbued with God’s power and endurance.

Thanks to everyone who is working so hard to make this year’s (2012) VBS a success!


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