Francine In Retirement
Seeing Life Through Photography


IMG_6149aIt is 1:00 a.m. in the morning.  I was suddenly awakened by the noise coming from the furnace kicking on and heating up the room.  It was then I noticed a white light coming thru the window and remember that the weatherman had predicted that we would receive two to three inches of snow by the morning.


Imagine my surprise when I saw a young deer on the lawn next door.  What we had thought was a cat getting into the garbage cans was none other than a deer.

It turned and looked right at me, than went about his/her business and continued to search for food around other neighbors homes.


Living in the city, we don’t often see deer, but we know they are here. They had been spotted in the woods behind our house and in our backyard before we put up the privacy fence a few years ago.

Maybe it’s one of Santa’s reindeer checking his route before Christmas?

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  1. How delightful…and the snow looks amazing in the early morning light! thanks for sharing.

  2. Take no chances, make sure you put a carrot out tonight. You can’t go upsetting Rudolph. I’m amazed you had your camera handy, what a beautiful serene picture.
    xxx Huge Hugs Francine xxx

  3. such an extraordinary encounter … yet I guess deer have learnt the benefits of easy suburban meals? here we have city/suburban possums that could never survive in the wild!

  4. Congrats for capturing the moment! The deer seems so trusting!
    Cheers 🙂

  5. thank you for:
    “…Maybe it’s one of Santa’s reindeer
    checking his route before Christmas?”

  6. Awwww wow 🙂

  7. What an amazing sight. Wonder where it’s family was.

  8. So adorable Francine…I haven’t seen one up close in years…they are so precious.

  9. What a nice surprise, and you were able to capture before he/she walked away! Beautiful photos!

  10. […] YYY CHALLENGE: YOUNG DEER | Francine In Retirement […]

  11. Awww, I’m sure it’s Santa’s reindeer… Beautiful, my dear Francine! 🙂

  12. So you sleep with your camera? We get rabbits and quail here. But I am never fast enough to capture them with my camera.

  13. What a gorgeous atmosphere! Well done!

  14. What a great capture on camera!

  15. What a lovely sight to see in your backyard, snow and deer – must be Christmas 🙂

  16. Hope you had a good Christmas, Francine. My very best wishes for 2014 🙂

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