Green Door Hospitality

Adventures in Everyday Entertaining

Ingredient Spotlight: Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts have only been part of my life for the last couple years.  I first cooked with them during a Creative Kitchen Challenge.  After that I was hooked!  These tiny little bundles of goodness have gotten a bad rap through the years.  And I truly believe that the vast majority of people that don’t like them, don’t because they haven’t had them prepared properly.  Overly boiling them is not preparing them to best of their flavor potential.  I personally have found that roasting and grilling really do the trick!

brussels sprouts cartoon

Brussels Sprouts are part of the Brassica Family.  The Brassica Family also includes cabbage, broccoli, kale, and cauliflower.  The Brussels sprout looks like a miniature cabbage and grows in a spiral fashion up around a thick central stem.  When purchasing Brussels Sprouts you can either get them still on the stem (as seen above) or loose form (i.e. removed from the stem).  You want to choose sprouts with a good green color and firm in texture.  Yellowing and wilting leaves are to be avoided.  The leaves should be compact and the ends clean.  Keep them in a cool place in the refrigerator for up to a week before cooking.  When preparing Brussels Sprouts, always remove any damaged or yellowed outer leaves and trim the stem ends.

Below are some great dishes from Green Door Hospitality that include varieties of Brussels Sprouts.  Simply click on the image to be taken to recipe!

Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Grilled Brussels Sprouts

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Shallots

Shrimp Beurre Blanc with Brussels Sprouts

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Parmesan


21 comments on “Ingredient Spotlight: Brussels Sprouts

  1. Cloches & Lavender
    January 30, 2014

    I PINNED this, I love these little guys. We sauté them in olive oil and them nice a caramelized and use a sauce we found at the market that I can’t remember the name of at the moment. The dish is a favorite!

    • Green Door Hospitality
      February 2, 2014

      Thanks for pinning Cynthia! 🙂 Yeah…they are definitely a favorite here too. Do you remember what type of ingredients are in the sauce you use? Would love to check that out.

  2. apuginthekitchen
    January 30, 2014

    All the recipes are great, I’m a fan of brussels sprouts. That last one though with the bacon and parm, I have to try it!

    • Green Door Hospitality
      February 2, 2014

      Thanks Suzanne! We actually just had the one with the bacon and parm the other night (part of the inspiration of making this week’s Ingredient Spotlight be about Brussels Sprouts).

  3. gentlestitches
    January 30, 2014

    I like brussel sprouts and would like to taste them roasted.

  4. The Healthy Epicurean
    January 30, 2014

    Brussels sprouts – my all-time favourite brassica!

    • Green Door Hospitality
      February 2, 2014

      🙂 I will pry have to say “ONE” of my favorites since I could pry eat broccoli every day. 🙂

  5. gotasté
    January 31, 2014

    Your brussels sprouts recipes are gorgeous Kenley. I have yet to try cooking because it is hard to get fresh ones in Asia. Craving for the broiled version. Warmly, Danny

  6. Pingback: Week in Review: Menu Planning, Mushrooms, and Chicken Motives | Green Door Hospitality

  7. Yum, one of my favorites! I like the idea of pairing them with shrimp; I wouldn’t have thought of that. I always think of brussels sprouts as hearty and shrimp as really light.

    • Green Door Hospitality
      February 2, 2014

      That’s actually exactly why they pair well. It’s kind of a “ying and yang” type of dish. They end up complimenting each other really well.

  8. kalamitykelli
    February 1, 2014

    I love Brussel Sprouts and yours look just as fabulous as I would imagine they taste!

  9. Charlotte
    February 2, 2014

    I love Brussels sprouts! I agree boiling ruins them..that’s how they are served to kids at the school canteen, no wonder they don;t go down well. Roasted or sauteed they are wonderful. Here is a recipe I made with BS, mustard and bacon :

  10. the Painted Apron
    February 2, 2014

    I have only recently cooked brussels sprouts myself because my husband has horror stories of having to eat them as a child and my mother never cooked them. Prepared properly they are like candy to me and my husband loves them now! Thanks for some more great recipes to try~

    • Green Door Hospitality
      February 2, 2014

      I completely agree with the candy remark! I feel the same way about them!! Hope you enjoy the recipes and speaking of recipes…your Bourbon Glazed Brussels Sprouts are on my “must try” list!!

  11. mmmarzipan
    April 18, 2014

    Hated them when I was little, love them now! So many people I know say the same thing!

Let me know what you think!


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