Thunderbolts #1 courtesy Marvel
Thunderbolts #1 courtesy Marvel

The Thunderbolts strike back. Marvel’s team of villains turned “heroes” are back with a new leader, Bucky Barnes.

After a week of teasers Marvel revealed a brand new Thunderbolts book is coming in the crossover Avengers: Standoff.

Winter Soldier will lead the new squad featuring original members Moonstone, Mach-V, Fixer and Atlas in a new book by Jim Zub and Jon Malin.

The original Thunderbolts were villains masquerading as heroes including then leader Baron Zemo. The team evolved over the years as the government’s secret weapon of villains. The T-bolts were even ordered to bring in unregistered heroes during the first Civil War.

The creators told their take on the new version goes back to what the original concept a fan-favorite:

“Super villains looking for redemption I think is the ultimate strength and heart of Thunderbolts and sets it apart from everything out there,” said Malin. “These characters have done very bad things—willingly. No one mind controlled them, they made choices of their own free will and that can never be fully taken back. That motivates me beyond belief to tell this story.”

“We all look for redemption in one form or another, this is universal and that’s the appeal,” he continues. “Also the lesson of be careful who you trust because when you need them the most they might not be the person you thought they were. They may, in fact, be the one putting the knife in your back, willingly and without hesitation.”

“Doing the right thing is different than being ‘good,’” Zub added. “We’ve assembled a potent mix of characters to explore that theme with big drama, big action, and unexpected twists along the way. The new team is stacked with powerful personalities and a mission that’s going to tear them up and get right to their core. I’m excited about putting them in tough spots and letting the sparks fly.”

Justice…like lightning!

Can Bucky Barnes keep this dark heroes in line?

The Storm clouds for the new Thunderbolts will gather during the Avengers: Standoff event.

What do you think of the new lineup?

By Editor