Walking… Today It’s a Struggle


A few weeks ago, my workplace had a health fair type day. There was a little bit of everything. Health food vendors, massage therapists, wellness screenings and raffle prizes for health related stuff. They also had a sign-up to win sessions with a trainer. I figured why not, I need the extra kick in the butt and it would be during my lunch hour… so I threw my name in. Turns out everyone who signed up got to be in the training session. Woooo!

It’s mostly cardio based (which I do need) and so far has been nice extra push to my CrossFit world. The bad thing is that there are MIRRORS everywhere! I haven’t been in a non-CrossFit type environment in over 3 years where there are ZERO mirrors. Suddenly I found myself turning into my old way of thinking – judging everything – about ME. I know I have some extra layers of flub on me the but the mirrors are a huge negative reminder. Not that I don’t own a mirror at home but when I’m working out, I’m working out! Feeling good. Feeling empowered. I have strength and I press on. So day one, although good, was strangely stressful. I did better on day two though. Just pushed through and brought the intensity.

Adding that to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday CrossFit classes and I’m smoked. My shins, quads, hammies, feet… they all hate me! Not in the “overdid” it kind of way. But close! I need the shake up both physically and of course when it comes to food. I’m getting there. Making better choices and really trying to focus on the phrase I know all too well… “You can’t out train a bad diet!”

Tuesday – 4/21/15

8 min EMOM
odd 10 KB lunges
even 2 Turkish Get-Ups

Eight minutes isn’t a very long time. But add up the lunges and the balance it takes for Turkish Get-Ups and I was feeling like I could have called it a day!

Pull-ups (modification: Ring Rows
OHS 65/45

Chippers. They can be your worst enemy sometimes. But I feel when it’s set up to to go from higher reps to lower reps, it’s easier on the mindset. The first set of Ring Rows and OHS went along smoothly. I did them all unbroken. I know that’s not impressive, being that Ring Rows aren’t entirely difficult an the OHS was only 45 lbs. But the idea is to move fast and get some work in. And then the round of 9. Ring Rows slowed down. I had to break them up. It was a sad state of affairs. But at least I was crushing my OHS. By the time I got to the round of 5, I was not feeling as defeated. I was almost done and the reps were getting fewer and fewer. I wanted to push harder on the Ring Rows… but there’s a point where the brain is not winning. Time: 8:30

Wednesday, 4/22/15

8x – 50ft band sprints

Not much to say here. Short and sweet.

5 rounds for: (Total Time)
Run 400m
20 KB Swings (1.5/1)
30ft Handstand Walk (Modified: shoulder touches on box)

Running. Bleh. If you know me, my feelings on running have not changed. Sadly, probably only have become more negative.  After my first run, I thought my left calf was going to literally explode, so I nicely asked if I could substitute the run with a row. Coach was cool with it. Which was great cause if not then I’d still be out there trying to finish!

KB Swings at 1 Pood… easy peasy! Ha. Maybe for the first 3 rounds. But towards the end, everything was a struggle.

And for my modified shoulder touches. I initially thought I got this. So I popped up into a handstand against the wall and just stood there. All I had to do was lift one hand off the ground and touch my shoulder. But my hands did not move. Didn’t budge :/ So I had to go to an even more modified situation using a box.


This I could do. Right hand to right shoulder. Left hand to left shoulder. 30 times. Rounds 4 and 5 were a blur. But I finished. Time: 23:04


2 thoughts on “Walking… Today It’s a Struggle

  1. Those handstand things are NO JOKE.. A friend and I did a WOD with HS walks, which we can’t do.. so we’re like okay, we’ll scale to this pike position and “walk” around the box. Felt great for like 5 steps.. then nope. KILLER. Very similar to what you were doing except taking the motion around the box rather than just tap and go. Ouch.

    Nice work with all the effort this week!! And crazy to workout with mirrors.. seems so foreign now!

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