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Homemade Goldfish Crackers + DIY cookie cutter

Cheesy fishies

I wish I would be the genius behind this, unfortunately I am not. *boohoo* I am not even sure how I came about this but I think it was featured on Freshly Pressed here at WordPress. Or I stumbled upon it like I tend to: I click a link which leads me to another and another and another. You get the idea, eh? So when I saw it at Miss Anthropist’s Kitchen (click here) and Smitten Kitchen (click here) I was blown away. You can make your own crackers? Heck ya! Especially when you look for a little snack for 2-3 year olds at Sunday school which is not Tim Hortons or muffins (cause they had those last time). Plus, it totally fit with the theme we discussed.

So, I looked at both recipes and I like the whole wheat flour but basically I used Miss Anthropist’s Kitchen recipe and substituted half of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour. The first time I made them I had no food processor. *sad* So I used my hand blender. Is that how you call it? (Just googled it, yes, that’s what you call it.) In German you call it a Zauberstab – magic wand, and though it is not quite like the food processor it worked just fine. Of course it was a bit more time consuming but the result was amazing.

You can see the pepper and whole wheat flour a bit.

I am not much of a picture taking person while baking. I tend to forget to take pictures of some of the steps and this is the case here as well. No picture of the grated cheese, no picture of me rolling the dough. Just pictures of before baking and after baking. I think what kind of keeps me away from all the pictures taking is a) I am still working on my skills with the camera and b) my kitchen has no nice colour, it’s all a bit brownish which is not a good colour for pictures. Check out the pictures at Miss Anthropist’s Kitchen and Smitten Kitchen, those are lovely. Still ways to go.

Don’t worry, I’ll get you too


– 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
– 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
– 4 tbsp. cold unslated butter
– 2 cups Cheddar cheese: how strong you like your cheese is up to you
– 3/4 tsp. salt
– 1/8 tsp. onion powder (optional)
– 1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
– 1 tsp. baking powder

Grade your cheese and set aside. Blend all ingredients in the food processor and add grated cheese. Now slowly add some water, teaspoon by teaspoon until you have a workable dough. My food processor is to small for that so I knead the dough in a bowl. Wrap the dough in plastic and place it in the fridge for 24 hours or chill in freezer for 20. Once it is chilled knead again and roll out. Use your cookie cutter to make as many as possible. I even used round and flower shapes. Bake at 180°C until golden brown, which is about 10 min. Let them cool and stand for a day so they get the crispy texture you look for.

Nicely line up for me to eat.

DIY Fish Cookie Cutter

What really fascinated me was the fish cookie cutter I saw at Miss Anthropist’s Kitchen. How genius is that to use a soda can to make cookie cutter? The options are endless. Basically you cut off the top and bottom of a soda can and cut a strip. This strip can be formed into whatever you want: fish, clouds, birds, you name it. I had no time to take pictures but look here for step by step instructions.

About andreamacleod

Take a KitchenAid Artisan machine, a young wife, time, creativity and mix it well. You end up with endless options of baking goodies from German torte to North American cupcakes. Follow me on my baking and cooking adventures and throw in your cent or two. There are no limits!

6 responses »

  1. These are totally better than store bought! I was glad I nabbed a few when the kids had all theirs….yummy!

  2. Hi Andrea, Melissa here from Food Bloggers of Canada. Just popping by to check out your blog and to let you know we’ve added you to our Membership Directory. Welcome aboard! It’s always nice to get a new member from the prairies. Love the crackers – I’ve always wanted to try making my own (I admit it, I can eat a lot of goldfish crackers in one sitting…)

  3. Thank you Melissa, I am glad you like it. Try it out! The cookie cutter is a lot of fun thought it took me a bit to get the shape right.

  4. AMAZING!!! Tried out the recipe last night and it was soooo yum! I made them because my boyfriend visits me this week, and he is more into savory stuff than sweets (although…when I make cookies bangbang…he eats a lot too 🙂 ). And…maybe I also made them cause I love them a lot…so finally a recipe for this nice treat!

    To be honest, the result was so amazing and yummy! But: The amount of flour that u give us in the recipe….did u use the triple amount? Cause I didn’t end up having that much dough and only had a little tiny amoung of crackers. I think, next time I would use at least three or four times the amount of all the ingredients.
    Since I was too lazy to make the cutter, I thought I might as well just cut them in normal cracker shape, some sort of a square.
    But, when I saw this healthy looking dough, with the whole wheat flour and one of my favourite cheeses (parmesan – which cost me a fortune!!) I decided not to cut, but to (mh…now I dont know the word….) pull the dough apart with my hands in little shapes, that look natural….So cracker size but not cut with a knife…you know what I mean? I’m very happy with the result 🙂
    Anyway, thanks for the great recipe!!!

    • Hi Lene, glad to hear you liked them so much. I am not sure if you checked the other recipes that I cite in my directions. Both have a total of 1 cup of flour. Add the two cups of cheese and you have a decent amount. At least that’s what I thought. It also depends on how thin you roll it out. Now, you said you ripped the dough (zerreisen), that might be the reason why you didn’t have as many crackers. I am not sure how many I had, I didn’t really count. But two small tin containers where filled, which is good enough for me. I am sure you can easily double or triple the recipe.
      Btw, the cheese over here is also quite high, so I can understand that. Seems like Europe is the continent to be for cheaper cheese.

      • I had a tiny baby tin full of yum crackers! They were amazing and i loved them a lot. My boyfriend was a big fan too (he is more into savory stuff!!) so I will definitely make them again. Maybe it wasn’t enough for me cause I can never get enough of good stuff lol.
        Also, I used sea salt, which is a bit stronger than the normal salt and I think those crackers have so much flavor already, that there is not really a need to make dips. They are perfect as they are!!!! Thanks again!

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