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Cake Pops

A week ago I was making a cake for my sister in law’s baby shower. Unfortunately the cake broke and I was left with various pieces and no way to fix it. Reason for that “disaster” was too much shortening. I still have to get used to the measuring over here and when the recipe is asking for 1/3 cup oft shortening I shouldn’t use 3/4.

I knew I still can use the cake because I came across a recipe that uses crumbled cake. Many might think trifle but oh no, this is better. While grocery shopping I came across the “Fall Baking” from Betty Crocker. Now, I don’t use those packages but the magazine had some nice ideas, mainly “Cake Pops”. Lollipops made of cake, what a fantastic idea.

So when I screwed up on the chocolate cake I thought I might was well use it to make my first batch of cake pops. How does that work? It’s pretty easy:

– make a chocolate cake and after baking crumble it

– add 1 cup of vanilla frosting

– mix until you have a big ball

– out of that you make little balls

– put into the freezer to firm

– move to fridge to keep them chilled

– melt chocolate (any colour you like)

– take a stick, poke it into the ball, dip the ball, let it dry (stick into Styrofoam)

I made one slight mistake, I left the balls in the freezer so my chocolate coating cracked a bit here and there. But for the first time it was pretty good. Next time I should make them a bit smaller because chocolate cake with 1 3/4 cups of sugar and vanilla frosting is pretty rich. (Next time I also cut back on the sugar.)

The woman who invented those cake pops is called Bakerella, ok, that is her blog name. She makes those cake pops in different shapes and is able to make little snowmen and such. I don’t think I’ll ever want to do that, but it is a very neat idea. She also published a book called “Cake Pops”. Her webaddress is, go and visit, she has recipes up there and you can get some neat ideas.

I am pretty sure I will make them again. Baking a cake is not that difficult, neither is the mixing. The only part that takes longer is the dipping and decorating, but I would assume that after some time one can be quick on that as well.

About andreamacleod

Take a KitchenAid Artisan machine, a young wife, time, creativity and mix it well. You end up with endless options of baking goodies from German torte to North American cupcakes. Follow me on my baking and cooking adventures and throw in your cent or two. There are no limits!

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