Peach Recipe Round Up

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Oh, The Peach Truck. It was like going to pick peaches in Georgia without having to go pick peaches in Georgia. A half a bushel driven right to our fair city of Dayton (and maybe to a city near you). A knew a lot of peaches were coming my way, but I did not realize how many peaches it would be until I saw the box.


Cue Pinterest search to figure out what to do with all of them. Apparently, a lot of other people were wondering the same about their The Peach Truck haul because I just had to laugh at all the references to it a came across in my search.

For starters, I knew we would be freezing a fair amount so here is how to peel a lot of peaches and how to freeze them as just plain peach slices, great for future recipes and tossed into smoothies.


The Peach Truck does have a selection of recipes, but here are the ones we decided to try. Check out my Pinterest board for more ideas.

Peach German Pancake


Baked Cinnamon Peaches


Peach Mint Popsicles


Dutch Oven Peach Dump Cake


Peach Freezer Jam


And, here’s one form the last time we a lot of peaches around: Spiked Peaches and Cream

Of course, between two little ones and a weekend camping trip, a fair amount were eaten straight from the box. Have a peachy day!


5 thoughts on “Peach Recipe Round Up

  1. Amber Ludwig says:

    This one went straight to my pin board!! I love love love peaches!! They are best grilled and drizzled with honey!! Yum yum yum!!! Thanks for the great recipes!!

    • Agreed, just cut a peach in half and stick it on the grill, top however you wish. I was hoping to find some new to us ways to incorporate the peaches but on the grill and baked in the oven will always top the favorite ways list.

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