Review “Ivy + Bean”

Our new Book of the Month review page offers children a space to rate the book, write a quick summary, draw your favourite scene, and tell us what they like about the book of the month. Please feel free to print off your own review page #BookBankReads and bring it in to the book bank to become a published author today!

Review of “Ivy + Bean” by Nahom Dibenh, age 9

Rating: 4/5 stars

Quick Summary:

“ivy + Bean is a story abate a girl who tried to make her sister nice. But her plan fails and she’s caught but then runs away and meets ivy and hides. then they agree to do a magic trick [see picture] on nancy and the go Beans Backyard and nancy grabs Bean and ivy’s angry and Bean threw worms and hid. nancy ran but fell in a puddle. then ivy left home. THE END”

What did you like about the book of the month?

“My favourite part is when ivy and Bean are hiding and nancy starts chasing them and does the dancing spell then falls in the worm puddle. it’s my favourite part because it’s funny”

Ivy and Bean BOM Drawing

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