The Everyday Warrior

A chronicle of the everyday challenges of being a mother, a runner and everything in between.

Fit March March 5, 2012

With February behind us, that means the Fab Ab February Challenge is also!

I am still having a hard time believing that I mastered a 2 minute plank!!!  It is super hard to do and I am pretty darn proud of myself for doing it I think I am going to do planks on a regular basis so I don’t lose the ability to hold it for 2 minutes. You know what they say, use it or lose it. ;)(The longest one I have held was 2:32, when I challenged ViewSPORT to a plank off. I lost by the way, as he clocked in a plank over 3 minutes!!! )

Now just because February is over, that doesn’t mean that we should place fitness on the back burner. No way! Besides, swimsuit season is right around the corner! Don’t believe me? Every retail store is already selling swimsuits! With that in mind it is time for our March challenge!

Looks like fun, right? It’s up to you if you want to do this every day, every other day, a few times a week or whatever you come up with. That’s the best thing about exercise, you can customize it to make it work for you. I am going to try to do it a couple of times a week as right now I am in full training mode for the Tough Mudder and I need to stay on track with that. (Which reminds me . . . . I still need donations for my Wounded Warrior Project fundraiser. Click here and help a girl out!)

If you decide to join in on the challenge and you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #FitMarch so I can follow your progress. If you are not on Twitter feel free to let me know how the challenge is going by posting a comment on my Facebook page.

In the meantime, I want to know what goals you have for the month of March. I can’t wait to hear to hear about your fitness and non-fitness goals!!!


11 Responses to “Fit March”

  1. kahyehm Says:

    Reblogged this on Life's Happy Rants and commented:
    #FitMarch ❤

  2. lance1971 Says:

    Those planks are so tough. How often will you be doing the challenge?My biggest goal for the month is to improve my swim time. I have spent a lot of time in the pool and have got my distance down pretty good. I can do 1 mile but its about 50 minutes to do so. I would love to get around 40 minutes. I think if I got a waterproof ipod that would help! I did set a pr this weekend for my 1/2 marathon time. 1:43:52. Just goes to show you at any point in your life you can accomplish anything if you put in the work.

    • Betsy Says:

      Lance, that is an awesome PR! So proud of you!!! And you have a great goal for March, I bet you will accomplish it! I will probably only do the March challenge a couple times a week while still doing all the other workouts I do. Congrats again!!!

  3. coachdougbowers Says:

    You’re going to give this old guy a heart attack! That workout you have posted…you realize of course I’m going to have to do it to see how long it takes and then see how many times per week I can fit it into my schedule. Why do I fall for these traps!!?? I’m trying to get it together for the Tough Mudder as well. You sound like you’re well on the way. 2+ minutes for the plank…very impressive indeed. At Muay Thai class our instructor puts us in pairs and has the one standing and ‘resting’, give the “planker” soft kicks to the legs and midsection, just for added flavor. I’ve never pushed to 3 minutes but now that you’ve put it out there…arrrgggh – I’m too gullible. I’ll keep you posted.
    Rock on woman – you are one of my inspirations. One Tough Mudder Mother for sure.

    • Betsy Says:

      Awwwww thanks! That’s the best compliment! And I def want to hear how you do on the workout!! BTW I am not sure how I feel about getting “soft kicks” to my body while I am trying to do a plank! They are already hard enough!

  4. lifeisarun Says:

    Those two minute planks were HARD! You are right though – need to incorporate them so we don’t lose them! Think I’m going to at least try this workout once and then see where I go from there!

  5. What an awesome idea. 🙂 I’ll totally do it with you. I’m not sure quite yet how often I’ll do it. Maybe I’ll incorporate it in to the 2 times a week that I do weights & core. I think I’ll reblog this on my blog as well at and get more people to do it with us.

  6. wibble Says:

    Two minute plank? Good grief I fee old.

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