Quick! What are you reading now?

It’s been months since I’ve answered one of the prompts on Booking Through Thursday. But I can’t pass this one up!

Just finished:
Wench, Dolen Perkins-Valdez A book about a young slave woman in the 1850’s who travels north with her master — and the father of her children — to a vacation resort. There, over several summers, she befriends three other slave women, also brought by their white masters to the resort. The story of Lizzie’s desires for freedom and for her children to be recognized by her master as his own drew me in. Lizzie is young and naive, but throughout the novel the reader sees her grow in her understanding of the complexities of slavery and how any attempt to escape would hold more risks for her children than for her.

Started Early, Took My Dog, Kate Atkinson. I don’t usually read mysteries or crime fiction, so I wasn’t very excited to read this when it was chosen by my book group. But, with a very long car trip planned, I ordered the audio version from the library and started listening. Jackson Brody isn’t a typical hero and he is the sort of person with whom I would probably not find anything to talk about if I sat down next to him and needed to make small talk. Which might be a loss because although Brody is a bit of a boorish oaf, there are some interesting things about him that aren’t readily apparent. The book kept me company for 13 hours and while I wanted to hear the last 1/2 hour, I was far too tired to keep driving when I finished my trip! (I finished the book the next day.) Some where in my bookcases, I have another one of Atkinson’s books. I just might have to explore a few shelves, find it, and dust off the cover to see if I can read through another of her books.

Think I might read soon:
Oak: The Frame of Civilization, William Bryant Logan. I checked this book out of the library where it somehow caught my attention several weeks ago. This is the type of non-fiction book that I like: take a seemingly simple subject and explore it in-depth, revealing all sort of fascinating facts, both important and trivial. I’ve started the book twice, each time being interrupted after only a few pages. I’m willing to give it a third try to see if it was just unlucky reading time, or whether this is something that just doesn’t lend itself to reading past page 5. But, I better hurry if I’m going to do that. I’ve already auto-renewed the book a few times and I’ve been reciting a “Do Not Keep Library Books Too Long” mantra for a while now. Not that I’ve followed that.

What are you reading now? Any recommendations for my next read?

10 responses to “Quick! What are you reading now?

  1. OK got the name wrong. It’s “The Paper Garden” by Molly Peacock.

  2. The Paper Artist. It’s about a woman who started her creative work at age 72. Very interesting story. Reads like romantic or historical fiction.

  3. I too have been listening to some books lately rather than reading them. It is a totally different experience. I can’t recommend it for books with a lot of characters or frequent changes of point of view.

    • The first leg of my trip, my son was with me. He “banned” listening to audio books in the car. He says that he can’t stand it and likes to laugh at me when I say that I “read” a book when I actually listened to it. I do like them for road trips, although some don’t lend themselves to listening while driving. Must have something that keeps you AWAKE, not one that puts you to sleep!

  4. I’m currently reading “Looking for Alaska” by John Greene. So far, it has been a great read.

    • I haven’t read Looking for Alaska, although I’ve read two other of Greene’s books (An Abundance of Katherines & The Fault in Our Stars) and loved them. I don’t usually read YA but make an exception for Greene. Heard him give a talk last year. He is very engaging in public as well.

      • In terms of reading Green’s works, I am the opposite of you. I recently finished “Looking for Alaska” and I have not read any other work of his. I suggest we both take time to read all of his works.

        How were the books “An Abundance of Katherines” “The Fault in Our Stars”? Are the main characters introverted, yet daring in their own ways (I’m asking this based of the main character in “Looking for Alaska”)